View Full Version : Morning panic again

12-02-13, 06:50
Yet another morning, wake at 5 with the intense butterflies and I feel as though my mind is running a race, I'm not really thinking about anything I just seem to b really aware of my mind n it feels like it's goin really fast to the point IOC exploding, it's really really freaking me out cus I can't escape it, has anyone heard of this before, plz help I really Duno wat to do!!
Thanks for reading
Paula xx

Ps. This will be day 5 of citalopram 20mg.

12-02-13, 06:57
Hi hun, it will be the side effects from the cit causing increased anxiety, its very common and although moot nice should pass in a few days, did you start no 20mg? Alot of people start off on 10 to lesson the side effects x x

12-02-13, 07:04
Hi Nicola,
No I started on 10 was on them for a month then went up to 20 on Friday there. Feel absolutey terrible, so tired now but can't sleep cus I'm focusing so much on my mind. Thanks for your reply
Paula xx

12-02-13, 08:18
Hi Paula
I have exactly the same symptoms but they started before I took the medication. I was same as you, started on 10 mg Citakopram and increased to 20.

I sleep well but wake around 4.40 with my mind racing and a sick feeling in my stomach. No chance of going back to sleep but I usually stay in bed till around 7.30. It's got a bit bettter since I started on the 20 mg 3 weeks ago. It's still there but not as intense and i can cope at least now. My depression/anxiety usually starts to improve late afternoon which I understand is pretty common.Sometimes you think you're not getting any better but I think it's because it's that gradual you don't notice
Are you haveing any counselling or other treatment? Do you have anyone you can ring or visit in the day to take your mind off things?

Keep posting on here, someone is usually there to offer comfort and a kind word.

Hope you're feeling better very soon:hugs:.

12-02-13, 08:43
Hi Paulac. I was the same until my doc added mirtazipine which helps me sleep through the night most of the time. Also my psych added 5mgs diaziapam twice a day for 2 wks until my meds (Prozac) started to get into y system. The mornings seem to be the worst for most of us it's a horrible feeling. Hang in there and spk with your doc.:)

12-02-13, 12:19
Hi Hun

Stick with it! Remember that the initial anxiety is the increase, I felt terrible for 8 days them started slowly to get better but everybody is different.

You are actually holding the anxiety there, by thinking and focusing on it keeps it there, try and just accept it, I know it's difficult but you must believe me it works. Accept it and ignore it, it's a bully, try and face everything I know it's hard. You WILL be free of this and get better. Knowledge is power read up on it, meds will help you but your mind is strong and use it to your advantage, feel free to PM me and keep posting.

Jackie xx

12-02-13, 13:14
my syptoms sound like yours,
I can go off to sleep but wake about 2-3 AM feeling sick and actually gagging? am on prop & citr meds
& also come this time of day 1-2 pm I really start to improve :-)

12-02-13, 21:35
Thanks everyone so so much for your replies, don't know what I'd do without this site. Had a terrible day, the panic didn't settle at all from 5 this morning, woke hubby at 7 n I really cudnt calm myself, crying and just feeling like I cudnt feel like this for another minute, I then started to feel like a zombie n just sat n stared into space, cudnt even manage to get my son ready for school, hubby had to stay off, went to docs without an appointment n ended up crying to the girl on reception asking could I c a doc, got to c one and broke down in front of him too. He wants me to stay on my cit and he had gave me chlorpromazine 25mg to take the edge of the panic. I have a massive fear of tabs but I took them anyway, they've made me feel extremely tired. Does anyone else take these?