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View Full Version : Feeling lonely and isolated

12-02-13, 08:24
hi everyone,

For each passing day i am feeling more lonely, depressed & isolated.

This has been getting worse and worse since the christmas period.

I am single, do not have much family & my friends have their own lives and families & so no matter how much i try to connect with them it doesnt seem to be happening.

I really want to meet/make new friends to spend time with but as i lost my job last year (due to my anxieties & depression) i do not know where to start.

i really hope someone can help me as i do not what to slip further into depression. i feel scared, alone & extremly isolated😰

please help x

12-02-13, 10:15
Hi Amy,

I am so sorry to hear you are feeling this way! Isolation is not our friend when we are feeling so low but I know from experience that the hardest time to be around people is when the anxiety and depression are overwhelming.

I see from one of your earlier posts that you are struggling to leave the house, is that still the case? Would you feel up to taking a night class (nothing taxing, I was thinking of something creative or crafty)? I have met some lovely people doing stuff like that. Or some volunteer work to fill your days? Do your friends know how you are feeling? You say they have their own lives but that won't stop them being concerned for you as they love you and will want to help.

It's kind of a catch 22 isn't it - I've been off work for 5 weeks now and with every day that passes I can feel my self-esteem slipping further away, but equally I know that I'm not well enough to work. I've come to realise over these weeks how much my sense of self-worth is bound up in my career, and it's not healthy.

I don't really know what else to suggest but I just wanted to reach out and let you know you're not alone. :hugs: :hugs:

12-02-13, 10:50
thank you for your kind words sunshine 😊 sometimes a few kind words can really make a difference so much appreciated.

i also buried my issues away in a sucessful career but with that now gone i am open to all my anxieties & depression.

i am starting a Maths course and i did want to take it as a night class but unfortunately they dont start til september and so i am doin it by distance lesrning starting next month. it will be good for me to have something to focus on but still i dont think it will help my isolation and loneliness unfortunately.

However, it will facilitate my long term plan of a career change & so i guess i have to focus on that.


12-02-13, 17:56
Hi Amy

I'm in the exact side boat as you, I've really gone down hill since Christmas. Now one of the few friends I have locally isn't talking to me as I had to cancel meeting up with her. It's so depressing!
I'm doing an open university course which is helpful in keeping my mind active but it's pretty lonely.

Jenny x

12-02-13, 18:17
Im the same sometimes I just wanna lay around all day. It really drains you...especially the panic attacks.

12-02-13, 23:39
Hi Amy

So sorry you are feeling this way. I too feel isolated and alone with my anxiety even though I have friends/family around. I do not always feel I can speak to them how I feel as everyone is busy with their own lives. People who suffer with anxiety issues do understand though and I think you will find a lot of support on here. I've found that doing exercise helps. I started getting bad panic attacks/depression late last summer and I started going to an exercise class at my gym more regularly (I had always gone intermittently in the past) but once I was getting regular exercise, it really helped my mood and as an added bonus, I've made new friends and now really enjoy going. Not sure if this is your thing, I know its not for everybody but it may help you never know. Good luck and hope you feel better soon. Take care.

12-02-13, 23:57
I wish the Christmas lights would stay up all winter. I get depressed and anxious without fail every february. Try to remember that spring will come soon along with happiness and sunshine :)

13-02-13, 10:26
Everyone feels like this sometimes, even no anxiety sufferers, exercise can help hugely and a walk in the countryside can also do wonders.

13-02-13, 15:05
The Maths course sounds a really positive thing, but it sounds like you also need something to get you meeting others. Maybe look into sports or craft clubs in your area, anything you might be interested in. A common interest is a good opening topic when meeting new people. Voluntary work is another option. Study or voluntary work also look great on a CV when you're up to looking for work again, but the important thing is to have some routine to your time. Something like a weekly swim or walk could also be benificial.

I hope you can find some positive things. If there is some enjoyment it helps things seem a bit more positive.