View Full Version : How long does it take to work?

12-02-13, 09:43
Hi all

I've been taking Citalopram for about 5 weeks now for depresion/anxiety. Started on 10 mg for first couple of weeks and GP increased to 20 about 2 weeks ago. I also take 2 x 2mg (I think) Diazepam but expect to come off this soon.

I do feel slightly better but I expected my mood would improve more dramatically than this. Am I being unrealistic? Do i need to persevere or ask GP to increase/change meds. Struggling to cope at moment and would realy appreciate some advice (although I know GP is only one who can really tell me.)

Thanks in advance for any replies/advice

12-02-13, 10:16
Hi Pigeon,
The effects of anti-depressants are subtle and gradual - they can sometimes take a couple of months to fully kick in. Yep, you need to persevere - stick with it and you may feel a whole lot better very soon. All the best.


12-02-13, 13:55
Thanls for your reply Baggs. I was starting to think I was a lost cause.

little scientist
12-02-13, 14:41
you aren't pigeon :)

As Baggs says they can take months to work. Stick with it and hopefully things will start to improve for you :)

12-02-13, 19:10
Really grateful for your replies. Good to know that I will start to feel better eventually.:)

12-02-13, 20:46
For me it took 11 weeks to feel the full benefit, but I started to feel better after just a few days. 5 weeks is still quite early - there is still plenty of hope! :)