View Full Version : Make an effort, help and get help

12-02-13, 11:59
How about stop feeling sorry about yourselves and doing something for the world? anxiety worst nightmare is taking action.

Do you care about animals?

Do you care about this world you living in?

Do you care about this world future generations will not be able to enjoy?

There are groups all over the planet eager to get new members, volunteers, people who can make a difference.

It helps me. No i am not cured, but it helps. If want to know more, tell me what you love, I will try to guide you


13-02-13, 10:33
I do volunteering for conservation and it does help with anxiety. Sadly a lot of people on this planet seem intent on destroying it for their own greed.

Anna C
13-02-13, 15:13

I love dogs but because I work full time I can't have one, so I volunteer at my nearest Dogs Trust, I go and walk some of the dogs for a few hours. Having something else to think about stops me from worrying and thinking negatively. It's also good exercise and the dogs are lovely.:)

14-02-13, 20:53
Hi there,
Thanks for your replies. I just joined a volunteer groups. TIme is an issue though.
Keeping our heads busy is top priority. Unfortunately we can abuse this right? and never be able to relax.

What do you do to relax? I can't remember the last time I did..?

Also do you know any cases where people reduced their anxiety or actually was cured?

I had it with me for 37 yrs...no pills helped so far. Therapy improved my life but far from reducing anxiety to a level I could say: I am cured!

14-02-13, 21:22
The writer, I've tried volunteering and threaded Only last week a post titled - Tried returning to work - FAIL?

You'll see what my experience was if u would like to have a read! Basically for me it's kind of had the opposite affect and in some ways taken me back to negative times of how my panic robbed me of everything I had worked for, for many years! I'm a biomedical scientist and went to do a post grad teacher training course and due to years of compound stress, children and moving house after getting stuck at the in laws for over 5 years BASICALLY - resulted in a breakdown! 2 years on still not recovered , improved that's the best way to describe myself!

So yep after having to give up the prospect of teaching mid through my studies, mirrors having to quit my volunteering job that I've been doing since November! I started volunteering only 1 day a week to get me out now my youngest at nursery as he's 3 & it was ok but eventually the panic gripped and that was that!. Can't fight it anymore. So for purposes of damage limitation, I've stopped going made a feeble excuse because as I see it, I don't want to push myself for the sake of a volunteering job, where I end up housebound and have a minor heart attack simply doing the school run. Although it was in some ways highly rewarding and is a good thing to be involved with , if one can.

Just for some even something like this can have an adverse affect, unfortunatley .

Daisy Sue
14-02-13, 22:31
I've been deliberating as to whether I should say this or not, since the thread was first posted, as I don't want to cause any upset to theWriter, or indeed anyone else.... but I did take offence a little at this sentence... "How about stop feeling sorry about yourselves and doing something for the world?"

Certainly for me, anxiety, genuine ill health, and anxiety-induced ill health are not things I would class as merely feeling sorry for myself. These are real, sometimes painful, sometimes debilitating issues, and the sufferer cannot always have the luxury of deciding to 'do something for the world' instead of feeling the suffering.

Like I say, no offence to anyone, and I do respect and agree with the main sentiment of the OP... just that bit got to me.. sorry.

14-02-13, 23:11
I was quite unhappy at your first sentence as well. Some people here are in a very unhappy place, they don't need to be attacked and made to feel guilty at the opening of a post. All you needed to add was a big pointing finger!
However I'm willing to believe it just came accross badly as you were in the heat of the moment and you didn't mean it to read like that :)
I also feel people decide to help out and volunteer for their own reasons and out of their own volition. I started to volunteer in a charity shop as I felt the need to "give" a bit, but also as I was bored and it was valuable work experience.

15-02-13, 00:48
Hi All. So glad with so many responses!

1) Sorry to have offended you!! It may come accross badly... English still is my second language. Thank for understanding. What I meant was to ENCOURAGE us to try things, that's all.
I know the pain, mine is mainly anxiety for many personal reasons I shall never make public. But I also feel and felt sorry for my self many times and had to snap out of it... you know what I mean?

My psychatrist tried that with me and I got really angry!, but then ... it mostly worked. I kept thinking (we can't stop thinking can't we???) and then i thought, ok, he got me there... let's try....But of course, I don't know any of you so if the title can help at lest 1 person feel she/he CAN i am glad. Sorry again for those I offended, honestly. My main point was to give hope.

I read this post of a young guy crying all day and I thought "man!" you are so young, I wish I could help you, why you suffer so much! You got your life ahead! (i got also a family member , very young heavily medicated and probably deflected)

2) I see!! Reverse effect. thanks for sharing. I mean to ask, you suffer from panic right?, which probably is not that connected with Anxiety right? (I am no expert, i am just an IT guy)
Me, I need to keep doing things or I die. I understand this forum has many people with many different symptoms.

But i do have something similar to panic, can you help me out to identify this? I fear sometimes to be in the garden, but is more paranoia of people being around...it's so stupid (i feel stupid) but in the end affects my life right? as one of you said...

The main reason I joined though is to see if I can get better not just to tell you my problems, you got your owns....with success stories maybe? Medication tips? groups? councellors?

thanks all...let's keep it up

Daisy Sue
15-02-13, 01:11
Hi All. So glad with so many responses!

1) Sorry to have offended you!! It may come accross badly... English still is my second language. Thank for understanding. What I meant was to ENCOURAGE us to try things, that's all.
I know the pain, mine is mainly anxiety for many personal reasons I shall never make public. But I also feel and felt sorry for my self many times and had to snap out of it... you know what I mean?

My psychatrist tried that with me and I got really angry!, but then ... it mostly worked. I kept thinking (we can't stop thinking can't we???) and then i thought, ok, he got me there... let's try....But of course, I don't know any of you so if the title can help at lest 1 person feel she/he CAN i am glad. Sorry again for those I offended, honestly. My main point was to give hope.

I read this post of a young guy crying all day and I thought "man!" you are so young, I wish I could help you, why you suffer so much! You got your life ahead! (i got also a family member , very young heavily medicated and probably deflected)

2) I see!! Reverse effect. thanks for sharing. I mean to ask, you suffer from panic right?, which probably is not that connected with Anxiety right? (I am no expert, i am just an IT guy)
Me, I need to keep doing things or I die. I understand this forum has many people with many different symptoms.

But i do have something similar to panic, can you help me out to identify this? I fear sometimes to be in the garden, but is more paranoia of people being around...it's so stupid (i feel stupid) but in the end affects my life right? as one of you said...

The main reason I joined though is to see if I can get better not just to tell you my problems, you got your owns....with success stories maybe? Medication tips? groups? councellors?

thanks all...let's keep it up

Hi - thank you for explaining, and not being cross :winks:

It's often easy to type something and have the meaning behind it misunderstood by others, and even moreso if English isn't your first language - so, no offence taken, and as I mentioned before, I do respect the overall message you were giving.

It's true that if you can occupy your mind with something, especially if it's helping others - and you end up feeling you've done something worthwhile - then yes it can really help your progress in gaining confidence in many aspects of your life. But I think you first have to be at a certain level with your anxiety/depression etc., before you can reach out to give... sometimes it's hard enough just reaching out for help.

To try & answer a couple of your questions.. panic is greatly related to anxiety.. my interpretation is that anxiety is the underlying unrest/unease, the abnormal heightened state of fear which is lurking continually within someone suffering from anxiety... panic is when it blows - when our fear responses get more out of our control...

If you're not sure if you're suffering from anxiety or panic attacks, or indeed paranoia, I'd recommend you read some of the information links on the left side of the forum pages... you'll probably find you identify with one description more than others, and it might help your understanding, and in turn your recovery. :)

15-02-13, 05:22
yes i thought it was 'just me' again with feeling hurt at way that was written , have done lots of volunteering -red cross'1st aid, ]assist lecturer and youth group assist], home nursing and advanced... scouting helped at 'cubs' for a few years... i'm afraid they helped for a while then helped pile on the pressure ... i think the thing is to keep it to what you enjoy, not doing as much as you possibly can,no matter how good the cause,thus leaving yourself no room for manoeuvre

21-02-13, 22:52
Cymbalata so far not doing much... how are you all coping?

21-02-13, 23:17
Hi All. So glad with so many responses!

1) Sorry to have offended you!! It may come accross badly... English still is my second language. Thank for understanding. What I meant was to ENCOURAGE us to try things, that's all.
I know the pain, mine is mainly anxiety for many personal reasons I shall never make public. But I also feel and felt sorry for my self many times and had to snap out of it... you know what I mean?

My psychatrist tried that with me and I got really angry!, but then ... it mostly worked. I kept thinking (we can't stop thinking can't we???) and then i thought, ok, he got me there... let's try....But of course, I don't know any of you so if the title can help at lest 1 person feel she/he CAN i am glad. Sorry again for those I offended, honestly. My main point was to give hope.

No worries I thought as much :) it is a good topic.

---------- Post added at 23:17 ---------- Previous post was at 23:14 ----------

I mean to ask, you suffer from panic right?, which probably is not that connected with Anxiety right? (I am no expert, i am just an IT guy)
Me, I need to keep doing things or I die. I understand this forum has many people with many different symptoms.

Panic and anxiety are linked in for most. Often people feel anxiety all the time with occasional panic attacks.

What you said about being an IT guy, you have to keep "doing" or you die... that interests me. Maybe that's why you have panic, you are doing all the time and you don't give your mind a rest. Maybe spend more time just "being" instead of doing? I suppose you could call that meditation. :)

21-02-13, 23:24
Beware - I started volunteering for the local dogs home and I ended up taking one home! :) x

22-02-13, 06:54
Beware - I started volunteering for the local dogs home and I ended up taking one home! :) x

Yes, I understand. I wanted to open a place for animals in general, but as anything you need tons of money, that those who have will never use for good, a sad annoying true

Lisa, thanks for that. It is a good point, actually very good. The problem that i did not explained properly is that I CANNOT RELAX.

My only way to relax is keeping my mind 100% all the time. Is sick is tiresome it's sad.
If i try to relax I get something to kill the moment. For 10 yeras the killer is noises. I can only relax in a cabin in the middle of nowwhere.... I would give my limb oto live in the forest, alone but I love my family too

little wren
22-02-13, 07:01
I want to volunteer but I need help getting out and about due to agoraphobia - I was told by mental health nurse to 'know my limitations' but I cannot just stay in for the rest of my life. I feel I could really benefit from volunteer work and I have something to offer - but I would need a little support in accessing it and I am not receiving it which makes me feel down as I really would love to get back out into the world, contribute and be a part of things again x
ps volunteering from home is an option but it would not get me back out which is part of my recovery and what I am aiming towards. I already do 'work' from home but it is being out and about around other people that I need and I need help in doing it. I was only looking at one hour a week to begin with lol!