View Full Version : Neurotic about numbness!

12-02-13, 12:04
Has anyone experienced numbness in their big toe, it's only in one area of the toe - around the top right hand side there is a loss of sensation. I can stab this area with my nail and feel nothing. The front and other side of the toe is ok. Have had it about 3 - 4 weeks now and am panicking big time that I may have some neurological disorder. Also discovered a term called neuropathy on the internet and that freaked me out too even though I don't know what it is?!!

I did mention it to doc when I had to go for an appointment about increasing my thyroxine tablet from 50mcg to 75mcg. He didn't seem too bothered about it and has booked me for a blood test to recheck my thyroid levels in 6 weeks. He said he would check my sugar levels at the same time but only cos I asked not because he said. I don't think I am diabetic as have no other symptons and sugar levels last year were fine.

I am thinking it may be early stages of gout as I also get really bad pains in both toes and it can hurt to walk - doc said pain can be a sympton of insufficient thryroxin, so am really confused now.

Incidentally I seem to remember stubbing my toe on my bed leg a few weeks ago so it could be that although that would be too simple!!!

13-02-13, 06:58
Can anybody help?