View Full Version : I don't feel right and really confused

12-02-13, 13:20
Hi, basically I made a doctors appointment this morning because I can't take this feeling anymore and am really worried it may be something bad.. My face tingles all over and all around my head, almost a stinging sensation, Plus i feel really cold but at the same time like my head is burning! I feel really dizzy and like things are a little blurry, I also feel confused, unable to concentrate on anything including the tv, I cant seem to take anything in or think clearly, it is scaring me because I feel i cant trust my own mind.
at first these feelings would come on out of the blue but this morning I woke up with it, the tingling face and head, numb hands and tingling arms, dizziness and utter confusion plus my head feels heavy, and it has lasted all day.
Actually It began last week when i applied a hair colour and washed it off after a few minutes as my head was tingling and i felt i was going to faint. this was a week ago but i keep wondering whether it has caused these feelings, whether it has caused something bad. If not this then I really dont know what, plus i am worried the doctor may think i am making it all up but itfeels really real and horrible.
Any ideas would really help as this feeling is scaring me xx

12-02-13, 21:49
have you been to the doctor?
Do you ever get migraines? I get confusion, as in I forget words or can't form a whole sentence, I also get numbness, dizziness and lot of other symptoms.

you head can tingle and burn when coloring it, also the strong smell can make you dizzy, if you think perhaps it was due to the hair dye you can get an allergy skin test done to see if you may be sensitive to it.

with anxiety we can often think something caused out symptoms like medication or food or even hair dye. it can be hard to tell so its good you see your doctor.

Being low in b12 an cause neurological symptoms, confusion, tiredness, pins and needles and so on.

It doesn't sound like an allergic reaction to hair dye at all, reactions usually have a
rash, sores, blisters, swelling, pain, it will cause symptoms you can see, what you describe is more of something you can feel.

It might be worth getting a proper blood test, sugar levels, white blood count, red blood count, the usual stuff, iron b12, tyroid levels.

Just tell the doctor when it all started and list off your symptoms : )

14-02-13, 10:53
Thank you so much i found that really helpful, i am seeing a doctor today so I guess i'll see what they say, im just worried because the feeling keeps coming on and off and if i'm not feeling it while talking to the doctor they may think i'm wasting their time! but im starting to feel it now so I know I need to talk to someone...thank you again :)

14-02-13, 12:49
I hope the doctors appointment has gone well.

I have had a similar thing to that and funnily enough it can be a trapped nerve or you were laid funny. I get it sometimes depending on the position I sit on the sofa, if I get up and walk around a bit then it seems to go.

15-02-13, 15:39
hmm, I went to the doctor and explained everything and apparently it sounds like panic attacks...I did ask if that was possible since sometimes I'm waking up like it but apparently it is totally possible, something about I'm not realising how I am breathing and taking in to much oxygen, some little test she done read that my o2 level was off the scale! So I have to see how it goes for a while, try ignoring it when it happens (easier said than done) but at least now i wont keep telling myself i have a brain tumor or nerve problems and make it a whole lot worse working myself up! If it doesnt get better then i have to go back and discuss other methods to help with it...hmm its nice to have an answer but been left a bit confused on what to do! xx