View Full Version : Not just anxiety?

12-02-13, 13:50
This can't be just anxiety. Every time I tried to nod off last night some part of my body would jerk/jump and also my head inside seems to jerk and sway. I was tired but my body wouldn't let me drift off. I eventually must have nodded off and I woke up in a sweat and all my body felt strange and warm and tingly. I had to literally force myself to get up, I feel constantly sick and not hardly eating anything. I have an awful horrid taste in my mouth and generally feel rotten.I keep feeling like I want to go to hospital and I was only at my doctors yesterday. I have 2 children aged 9 and 10 and the schools are off this week, I can't look after myself never mind them.
I can't get out of my head I have a brain tumour and its spread because i keep getting pains in my side and other places. I feel like I am dying and it's all getting fobbed off as anxiety.
Sorry for yet another post x

12-02-13, 14:12
I'm sorry you are feeling not well. What did your doctor say?

12-02-13, 14:21
She checked my pulse and listened to my heart, made me stand with my eyes shut and follow her finger. She thinks I have anxiety/depression and gave me some fluoxetine and I have to see her in 2 weeks time.

12-02-13, 14:30
This can't be just anxiety. Every time I tried to nod off last night some part of my body would jerk/jump and also my head inside seems to jerk and sway. I was tired but my body wouldn't let me drift off. I eventually must have nodded off and I woke up in a sweat and all my body felt strange and warm and tingly.

I often gte this along with my mind as I am nodding off telling me I am going to stop betahing and die. Then I just start to fall asleep but jerk awake as I feel like I am falling and have stopped breathing.

I am pretty sure this is well documented as anxiety, but it is indeed very disturbing and upsetting.

12-02-13, 14:36
I have posted before on here about what I get sometimes. Just as I start to drift off to sleep I get horrible sensations as if I have dropped down a lift shaft crossed with a feeling as my brain donw through my body has been given an electrical shock. I don't physically move at all its an internal sensation. At its worst it can happen for 2-4 hrs after I go to bd and stop me sleeping. I haven't had it for months so it will be interesting to see if it comes back now I have told you about it!!

I have had it on and off for over 10 years and have always been told its due to high adrenaline levels/anxiety.

12-02-13, 14:59
I think this is called "Sleep Paralysis" - look it up. I used to get this all the time and have it for months at a time, then it would go away..

For me i would be starting to fall asleep and all of a sudden get this panic like feeling in my sleep where i was 1/2 awake and 1/2 asleep - i would not be able to move - and would feel like i was choking and could breath.

I would have to envision in my mind while asleep that i was banging my arm on a table - when i would awake i would be sleeping on the arm i thought i banged on the table.

I used to think it was a panic attack during sleep - but now know it was sleep paralysis.

I also once thought it was sleep apnea.

12-02-13, 16:16
She checked my pulse and listened to my heart, made me stand with my eyes shut and follow her finger. She thinks I have anxiety/depression and gave me some fluoxetine and I have to see her in 2 weeks time.

Did you already start on fluoxetine? It can have some side effects when starting with it. They are usually temporary though.

And like I the people above this post I also have the experience panic can make you startled/jump when waking up.

12-02-13, 16:24
I started them yesterday but I was already getting all these symptoms before.
I don't feel startled when i am waking up it's when my body relaxes and tries to fall asleep.