View Full Version : Advice on upping doseage please

12-02-13, 18:22
I'm currently on 40mg of Citalopram daily and have been since the beginning of May 2012. I hadn't felt much better on lower doses but after a few weeks of the 40mg dose I started feeling better.
I've noticed the last few weeks however, my mood is dipping more and more frequently. I'm used to having a bad day now and then but this is happening more frequently and lasting longer. Should I maybe discuss with my GP going up to 50mg? Maybe the 40mg isn't 'doing it' for me any longer?

12-02-13, 18:30
Yeh I would if I was you. The other thing you could ask doc is maybe they could add in mirtazapine which I take at night it helps me to sleep I then take my Prozac in the am :)

12-02-13, 18:36
Charlie I've been on Mirt before (for a couple of months) but it made me put weight on quickly so I stopped it. I did get a really good sleep on it and my nerves felt better but I don't think it done much for my mood to be honest. I've got Zopiclone to help me sleep but I only take it about once or twice a week if I'm really struggling with sleep.

12-02-13, 18:48
Hi 40mg is now the highest dose you can go on cit, it used to be 60mg but they dropped it down to 40mg about a year ago due to it causes heart problems in higher doses xx

12-02-13, 19:05
Hi Nicola, I didn't know that. Mm not sure what to do. My GP isn't the easiest woman to talk to, she's a woman of very few words. Nice enough though. I always get the feeling I'm bothering them when I go. Probably just the way I feel to.