View Full Version : Why are some doctors so reluctant to give scans to people?

12-02-13, 18:37
Since last Saturday, I have had bloating, gas, diarrhoea, not a big appetite, stomach pain etc.

Anyway, last week my symptoms were a lot worse, but over the last few days my symptoms have subsided a bit and they are not as bad. But I had a full count blood test which my Dr told me to have. The blood test came back fine apart from some dryness in the kidneys due to lack of fluids and eating.

My appetite has gotten a bit better, I am not feeling as nautious as I was last week, but I still have very mild nausia. I had diarrhoea in the morning yesterday, but today I haven't passed anything or even felt like going. The gas is still there and the stomach pain is not as bad either.

Anyway, I was just wondering why my doctor would be so reluctant to give me a scan. I have seen people on here who have had similar symptoms, but they say they have been for a scan or something similar.

I saw my doctor today as he told me last Friday to come back on Tuesday to see him again. I told him my symptoms had gotten a bit better and he told me he thought it was just a stomach bug I had picked up and told me to come back in a week or so if it doesn't get a lot better than it is.

I did not want to ask for a scan, but should he have at least mentioned it or would he only send me if it was a lot worse?

Thanks, and sorry guys I keep mentioning this, but It's bugging (no pun intended) me.

12-02-13, 18:44
They wouldn't send you for a scan for just having those symptoms for just 1 week. They would be more likely to do a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy for those symptoms anyway but only if you had them long term. The blood tests would show up any problems so it is really not necessary with your symptoms to have further investigations. I had symptoms for almost a year before I had my colonoscopy.

12-02-13, 18:51
They wouldn't send you for a scan for just having those symptoms for just 1 week. They would be more likely to do a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy for those symptoms anyway but only if you had them long term. The blood tests would show up any problems so it is really not necessary with your symptoms to have further investigations. I had symptoms for almost a year before I had my colonoscopy.

Did you have similar symptoms?

I know there's a lot of bugs going around at the moment, but it's just frustrating not knowing what it is, you know?

12-02-13, 18:54
The symptoms you have could be a bug or they could be stress related. I have ibs so I have those symptoms most of the time. They are a lot of bugs going about at the moment. You say that it seems to be getting better anyway so I would give it a little more time. Stay of dairy foods until it clears up and drink plenty of water.

12-02-13, 19:02
The symptoms you have could be a bug or they could be stress related. I have ibs so I have those symptoms most of the time. They are a lot of bugs going about at the moment. You say that it seems to be getting better anyway so I would give it a little more time. Stay of dairy foods until it clears up and drink plenty of water.

Are you on medication for IBS?

I haven't been officially diagnosed with IBS, but my dad has had IBS so it could be hereditary.

I have been drinking lots of water and chamomile tea. I will wait and see what happens though.

12-02-13, 19:05
If you are an anxious person then you are more likely to get ibs symptoms. The medications have not really worked for me but Aloe vera juice does help a little. I guess I have had it so long now that I just accept it :(