View Full Version : So worried about my X Ray

12-02-13, 18:41
I had an x ray today on collar bone area. Have had an ultrasound a few months ago, which showed inflammation.
The problem is after the X ray had been done the radiographer fetched another radiographer and I heard them whispering and discussing my X ray , I also heard the words "It's strange" mentioned.
By this point I became extremely anxious and told the radiographer that I could hear the whispering and it had made me very anxious, I then became tearful and the radiographer tried to calm me and explained she needed to do another X ray on the same place, she had to do 4 in the finish and said she was unable to get the right angle.
She did not say anything else but told me "try not to worry too much"
I am more than worried, I AM FREAKING OUT!!!
Why did I have to hear them talking, I am convinced now I have something terminal.

12-02-13, 18:50
First of all they were really unprofessional speaking about it where you could hear. If I was you I would call my doctor first thing in the morning and tell them what has happened and how it has made you feel. I wish there was something I could say to reassure you but I know you are going to worry anyway. It may just be something very simple so don't think the worst. call your GP in the morning. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

12-02-13, 18:57
First of all they were really unprofessional speaking about it where you could hear. If I was you I would call my doctor first thing in the morning and tell them what has happened and how it has made you feel. I wish there was something I could say to reassure you but I know you are going to worry anyway. It may just be something very simple so don't think the worst. call your GP in the morning. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Thanks Annie, I agree they should not talk like that within earshot, I was shaking with fright and began to hyperventilate, I am trying to be calm but like you say I will worry whatever! I am going to speak to my GP, I would have probably been ok if I had not heard the word "strange"
Hope all well with you Annie, hope your second day back went ok? :hugs:

12-02-13, 19:01
Maybe she was just saying that it was strange that the x ray had not come out very well and it was nothing to do with you. I don't work Tuesdays so had today off :D i am back at work tomorrow afternoon. I had my intense psychotherapy this morning and feel so drained and exhausted after it x

12-02-13, 19:05

Oh I feel your worry so much - but I don't think you should. Often when you have investigations other random weird things show up that you didn't know about. I've had several - including strange adenoid tissue following at MRI, a large liver (benign) tumour following laproscopy, polyps, etc. It could be that one of them was a trainee or less experienced and that's why they were talking. Don't jump the gun there; are a million and one weird things in our bodies that are not "textbook" and none of them terminal.


12-02-13, 19:24
Maybe she was just saying that it was strange that the x ray had not come out very well and it was nothing to do with you. I don't work Tuesdays so had today off :D i am back at work tomorrow afternoon. I had my intense psychotherapy this morning and feel so drained and exhausted after it x

Good luck for tomorrow Annie, I am trying to be logical and not let this morning and the X Ray start my anxiety off again. I have been feeling a little better recently.

---------- Post added at 19:24 ---------- Previous post was at 19:23 ---------

Thanks Spacebunny, I need to think logically and above all try and keep calm. :)

13-02-13, 02:19
I'm sorry that you were frightened so much by the radiographers as has been said it was very unprofessional. However, try not to jump to conclusions, if she was having trouble getting the right angle she might have just been saying it's strange that it's so hard to get the image she wants, it doesn't mean there's something strange on your x-ray. How long do you have to wait for the results? Waiting is the worst.

13-02-13, 18:12
I'm sorry that you were frightened so much by the radiographers as has been said it was very unprofessional. However, try not to jump to conclusions, if she was having trouble getting the right angle she might have just been saying it's strange that it's so hard to get the image she wants, it doesn't mean there's something strange on your x-ray. How long do you have to wait for the results? Waiting is the worst.

Hi Eek, I'm not sure how long I have to wait. I think that if there is something wrong I will be contacted pretty quickly. My sister said that if it was very bad they would contact me the next day. I hope she is right.
Good luck for your scan xxx

13-02-13, 18:24
Your sister is right, they would have contacted your gp straight away. It was probably just the radiographer not sure about what she was doing :) :hugs:

13-02-13, 18:59
Thanks Annie, I had the X ray done by request of a specialist I saw at the hospital that morning . He sent me straight from his office to X ray.
Would he be the person they contacted as he ordered it?

13-02-13, 19:04
Sometimes they just send the results to your doctors and sometimes they send for you to go back to see the specialist. x

13-02-13, 19:10
Thank you Annie. I am so anxious I am scared to even look at my phone! Keeping busy is helping a bit, but I just feel really terrible. xx :hugs:

13-02-13, 19:26
how it will make you anxious but it was probably just the silly radiographer!!

13-02-13, 19:42
Aw, I am sorry that you have gone through overhearing that. I would be fuming in honesty if I was you. The main thing to remember is that if the specialist sent you for the x-ray to go straight round and they thought that they found anything remotely suspicious on the x-ray then they would have sent it straight to the specialist that ordered them for further investigation.

I am really quite cross on your behalf that they were whispering within your ear shot, and then when you showed signs of being distressed they seemed to do and say little to allay your fears.

Try to remember that they are a Radiologist, (something perhaps they need to remember too) and that they are trained to do the x-rays, not to look at them to make a diagnosis, there are like someone else said a million and one other things that are not terminal that it may be, that's even if it was that, it could well be they can not get a clear picture for some reason. They are not trained specifically to know anything in so far as a diagnosis, so please try not to overly worry about anything they said or you heard, if it was anything drastic, I would have expected you would have either heard today (as the specialist sent you straight there today) or perhaps tomorrow.

If you are really worried, it may be worth giving the specialist a ring tomorrow, and just explain the situation to them, they may well be able to then tell you what it was if anything and am certain will put your mind at ease.

Chin up hunnie :)

13-02-13, 19:51
Thanks for your reply Totallybonkers. I was angry about the radiologist but I was just too scared to express myself properly . I will call him tomorrow, going to call GP too, as Annie advised in previous post.
Thanks for taking the time to reply . x