View Full Version : Hello There

12-02-13, 19:31
Hi I'm Angela, I've suffered with panic attacks,Anxiety and depression for nearly 13yrs, it all started after my then baby son had a major operation, mind you before that I'd alwlays been a worrier:winks:.Ive been watching this site now for over 2weeks and thought how much you support one another so took the plunge and joined!

I have lots of nice friends in my life, but they don't know the real me:blush:, I just think people judge and think of you differently and I don't want that,, but at least now hopefully I can talk to you guys.:yesyes:
Sorry for going on!

12-02-13, 19:38
Hi Angela pleased you have joined us and I am sure you will find lots of support :)

12-02-13, 19:40
Hi Annie Thankyou x

12-02-13, 19:41
Hi Boingboingboing

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

12-02-13, 19:51
Hello Boingboingboing

Welcome and what you say is so true when you said they don't know the real me. We can become experts in hiding how we really feel unnoticable to most. You are amongst friends here.

12-02-13, 19:54
Hi Ricardo Thankyou very much for your kind words.:)

12-02-13, 19:57
Hi Angela..:welcome: to the site...

Glad you found us, and i'm sure you'll find lots of help, advice and friends here, we're all in the same Boat lol

Carmel x

12-02-13, 20:08

I'm new here today, I know how you feel, i lost a lot of friends 10 years ago because they didn't know the real me (not that you are going to loose your friends) I shut myself from everyone and everything thinking people would think I was weird or strange. Over the last 10 years I've learned talking helps although I'm having a tough time at the moment which is how I found myself here. I've been on and off the same medication for 10 years and I'm wondering at the moment is my body to used to them so now the tablets don't work.

Sorry for rambling on your post.

Chelle x

12-02-13, 20:17
Thankyou both Nicola & Carmel, your so right I'm so glad I'm amongst
people for once that I can actually talk to and relate too!:D

---------- Post added at 20:17 ---------- Previous post was at 20:10 ----------

Hi Chelle lovely to meet you, I too hide my real self away from my friends, usually I'm planning an exit to get away or suffering in silence, I did talk to one friend many years ago and realised that person was probably fed up of me trying to explain how felt, so decided that was the last time I talked to anybody then I don't get critisied.My husband s great but I not tell him half as it really worries him, so thankfully I've gt you all to talk to and let off steam, thanks for posting.


12-02-13, 20:28
Welcome to the site. I wish you all the best.


12-02-13, 20:48
Hiya Angela (again) lol

I used to think all the time that I was boring people with my same old story so I just kept quiet. My boyfriend is great at first he didn't really understand but now he sits and listens to me.
I think a lot of the time I feel a burden if I can't go out or panic while we are out then have to come back home again, it's such a horrible thing to have. I've had pyscotherapy, hypnosis, CBT and medication, I wish there was a quick fix.

Chelle x

12-02-13, 20:55
I honestly don't think there's a quick fix, I think a lot is accepting what we are and letting symptoms pass, but it's easier said than done I suffer sensations etc all day really, I get rid of one to replaced with another,some days better than others.But I feel a bit lighter knowing on here were all in the same boat, I'm like you I think people assume you should just snap out of it but if we could we would so I say nothing to others,which at times really gets me down as want to be normal like everyone else, but who knows maybe they are no different! :hugs:

12-02-13, 21:14
Hi Angela

I did just reply but for some reason it didn't post.

I used to think I bored people with the same old story so in the end just kept quiet. I felt like I was a burden to a lot of people especially if we was going out or already out because sometimes I didn't stay long or even get there.

My boyfriend is great at first he didn't really understand and got quite frustrated with me but now he sits and listens to me and goes to the shops alone if I feel I can't.

Feel free to chat to me anytime :)

Chelle x

12-02-13, 21:21
I'd love that Chelle Thankyou.x

12-02-13, 21:24
Hi Angela

I did just reply but for some reason it didn't post.

I used to think I bored people with the same old story so in the end just kept quiet. I felt like I was a burden to a lot of people especially if we was going out or already out because sometimes I didn't stay long or even get there.

My boyfriend is great at first he didn't really understand and got quite frustrated with me but now he sits and listens to me and goes to the shops alone if I feel I can't.

Feel free to chat to me anytime :)

Chelle x