View Full Version : Can't eat/ Can't sleep. Don't know what to do

12-02-13, 19:58
I am getting worse and worse. Can't eat/ can't sleep. Dizziness when walking and in limbs/ Weakness throughout my body, which I can't describe. weird feeling in throat.

I am going to end up in hospital. Don't know why they won't take me seriously. I can't function. My arms feel like i am unable to control them at times. Just can't' deal with this.

Any suggestions? Haven't seen my gp in a week/ so he hasn't seen how bad i have gotten. I rang him up yesterday. He seems to think it's all anxiety.

I don't think this is anxiety anymore.

I've nearly given up on everything. Losing the will to live.

Getting so bad.

12-02-13, 20:21
It sounds just like anxiety to me.
When I was at my worst I had all the same symptoms and more.
I spent a lot of time visiting doctors and having tests and never believing them when they told me it was nothing more than anxiety.
But that's what it was.
If you don't eat, it triggers more anxiety. If you don't sleep it triggers more anxiety.
You probably need some medication so ask you doctor to prescribe something.
Try to keep yourself occupied and exercise is very helpful.
And try to remember that it will go. You WILL get better.
I know how you feel. I also felt desperate and thought I was going mad. But I survived and so will you.
Anytime you want to chat you can PM me.

12-02-13, 20:30
It sounds just like anxiety to me.
When I was at my worst I had all the same symptoms and more.
I spent a lot of time visiting doctors and having tests and never believing them when they told me it was nothing more than anxiety.
But that's what it was.
If you don't eat, it triggers more anxiety. If you don't sleep it triggers more anxiety.
You probably need some medication so ask you doctor to prescribe something.
Try to keep yourself occupied and exercise is very helpful.
And try to remember that it will go. You WILL get better.
I know how you feel. I also felt desperate and thought I was going mad. But I survived and so will you.
Anytime you want to chat you can PM me.

What type of exercise are you thinking off? I'm bed bound because of how weak I feel. and what type of medication are you thinking off? I am going to try zopiclone for a week to get my sleep back and see if that helps improve my severe dizziness?

It just feels impossible for this to be anxiety. I have had anxiety/panic attacks. I felt well and strong apart from symptoms such as chest pain.

and thanks for the reply. Really helps even if you don't believe so.

12-02-13, 20:30
I agree with becky and have been there myself too, it really is the most awful feeling. There is light at the end of the tunnel though even though it may not feel like it now. I just wanted to die when I was at my worst but now I am glad I didn't as I have a lot to look forward to. Try to focus on positives, you may feel like there isn't anything positive but there will be little things, even if it is just that you have managed to eat something..that is progress. try to eat little and often and things you can easily swallow :hugs::hugs:

12-02-13, 20:34
I agree with becky and have been there myself too, it really is the most awful feeling. There is light at the end of the tunnel though even though it may not feel like it now. I just wanted to die when I was at my worst but now I am glad I didn't as I have a lot to look forward to. Try to focus on positives, you may feel like there isn't anything positive but there will be little things, even if it is just that you have managed to eat something..that is progress. try to eat little and often and things you can easily swallow :hugs::hugs:

The problem is I am getting worse? otherwise I'd somehow be able to summon strength to beat this thing. if i had in my mind; anxiety only, then I would get up / even crawl downstairs if i had to.

I can't imagine anyone being this ill/ feels like a real illness. the good thing is my blood tests came back fine 2 weeks ago in A and E? I think they test for infections? white blood count?

Thanks for the reply. Just feel so bad everyday. But somehow managing to wake up.

12-02-13, 20:42
The problem is I am getting worse? otherwise I'd somehow be able to summon strength to beat this thing. if i had in my mind; anxiety only, then I would get up / even crawl downstairs if i had to.

I can't imagine anyone being this ill/ feels like a real illness. the good thing is my blood tests came back fine 2 weeks ago in A and E? I think they test for infections? white blood count?

Thanks for the reply. Just feel so bad everyday. But somehow managing to wake up.

Have some yogurt if you can? I tell you what, get some flaxseed and put some of that into a yogurt, it will feel you up because of fibre. Even have a slice of toast with peanut butter and a banana? You can do it. Who do you live with? If you live with someone, ask them to fetch you this type of food. Honestly, you just need to get something in you, otherwise you will feel weak. The whole reason you feel weak is due to the lack of food/energy inside you. While you eat, drink some water as well, it will help get the food down.

12-02-13, 20:48
Try to get to see your doctor if you can or request a home visit. Maybe you need a review of your meds. It does sometimes get worse before it gets better but you need to make yourself eat. I was the same I lost over a stone in a few weeks and my neighbour used to sit with me trying to coax me to eat something and all I could do was look at the food and cry.

12-02-13, 21:16
maybe try a new doctor? The one you have doesn't seem to be helping you ?

Yes like the others said, not sleeping and not eating makes you a million times worse.
I got stuck in a cycle of not being able to eat without being sick because I was that nervous and anxious! I also couldn't sleep : ( It was by far the worst my anxiety has ever been.
My doctor gave me some pills for a few days just to help me sleep and that.

If you are on no medication, you could try Valerian, it's a herb you can get in a tabet form in a liquid, it can help you sleep and help to relax, it works a bit like a seditive/benzo type pill, maybe not as well though.

Or for something a bit safer/weaker you could try chamomile tea which helps relax you too .

Probiotics/ live yogurts will be good as they do help with anxiety and depression.

Soups if you can, if you are not eating it can lower blood sugar causing anxety, dehydration= anxiety, lack of proper sleep=anxiety.
You got to do something to break the cycle.

Hey if there is a good hospital, that maybe offers talk therapy and CBT therapy and not just medication it might be worth a try.

12-02-13, 21:27
Have some yogurt if you can? I tell you what, get some flaxseed and put some of that into a yogurt, it will feel you up because of fibre. Even have a slice of toast with peanut butter and a banana? You can do it. Who do you live with? If you live with someone, ask them to fetch you this type of food. Honestly, you just need to get something in you, otherwise you will feel weak. The whole reason you feel weak is due to the lack of food/energy inside you. While you eat, drink some water as well, it will help get the food down.

Thanks for the advice man. Really appreciate it. I'm 20, live with my parents. Currently doing a law degree, which i've intermitted from this year because of these problems.

The community is much better than doctors these days so thanks again. I have managed to eat some chicken strippers and salad. Will get yogurt soon.

Need to break the cycle.

---------- Post added at 21:24 ---------- Previous post was at 21:23 ----------

Try to get to see your doctor if you can or request a home visit. Maybe you need a review of your meds. It does sometimes get worse before it gets better but you need to make yourself eat. I was the same I lost over a stone in a few weeks and my neighbour used to sit with me trying to coax me to eat something and all I could do was look at the food and cry.

Thanks a lot for your reply. I'm not on meds. But i have a cbt appointment in 4 weeks. I just find it hard to believe how all this is because of my mind. But it has gotten here slowly/ so wouldn't be surprised. I guess I have to fight. If it is something that my doctors aren't seeing then not much more I can do.

---------- Post added at 21:27 ---------- Previous post was at 21:24 ----------

maybe try a new doctor? The one you have doesn't seem to be helping you ?

Yes like the others said, not sleeping and not eating makes you a million times worse.
I got stuck in a cycle of not being able to eat without being sick because I was that nervous and anxious! I also couldn't sleep : ( It was by far the worst my anxiety has ever been.
My doctor gave me some pills for a few days just to help me sleep and that.

If you are on no medication, you could try Valerian, it's a herb you can get in a tabet form in a liquid, it can help you sleep and help to relax, it works a bit like a seditive/benzo type pill, maybe not as well though.

Or for something a bit safer/weaker you could try chamomile tea which helps relax you too .

Probiotics/ live yogurts will be good as they do help with anxiety and depression.

Soups if you can, if you are not eating it can lower blood sugar causing anxety, dehydration= anxiety, lack of proper sleep=anxiety.
You got to do something to break the cycle.

Hey if there is a good hospital, that maybe offers talk therapy and CBT therapy and not just medication it might be worth a try.

Thanks for the advice. I am trying/ I think I just gave up because of these problems/ and felt like I was literally dying. Just had some food. and I am going to try zopiclone for a week to get my sleeping pattern back in place.

Thanks a lot.

Never new I could get this bad. But I guess when you stop moving and eating/ then your body stops you from sleeping.

Seriously thanks again.

12-02-13, 22:02
have you tried cbt? really helps with anxiety

what meds are u taking certain meds actually make anxiety worse for a few weeks im on propamanol doesnt do much only slow my heart down

all your symptoms are anxiety related its hard to think anxiety causes all this but it does

i would highly recomend vitamin b complex and magnesium supplements they work great with stress and anxiety

13-02-13, 04:01
There's a lot of really good advice in the replies you've received. All from people who've been there and understand. I too found it difficult to believe that my mind could do this to my body and it was only when I accepted this that I took a step towards recovery. The mind is incredibly strong and can cause all kinds of physical symptoms, some that can be completely debilitating.

I suggest that, together with following the advice above, you also do some reading up on your condition. With knowledge and understanding comes control.

I've learnt that most of these anxiety related symptoms are merely bad habits that the brain forms and we just need to re-teach the brain how to un-form these habits.

Please feel free to contact me anytime you need some support.

21-02-13, 23:15

I had this exact problem just after christmas and I was bed bound for weeks. I couldn't eat because it felt like my throat was closing up everytime I went to, but I felt weaker all the time and lost a stone in 2 weeks.

This all started because I had a water infection and I'm not used to actually being ill (just being afraid of becoming ill!) and the symptoms sent me into constant panic for nearly a month. On top of this, the antibiotics I was on made me nauseous and actually vomit (vomited for the first time in 16 years as I also have emetephobia). I was convinced that these symptoms were something deadly because at the time I did genuinely feel like I was going to die. I am a big sleeper and usually sleep late unless I'm at work or woken up but I was waking up in blind panic at about 5:30 every morning feeling like I was gonna throw up. I also had other weird symptoms including neck pain and chest pain so this added to the worry.. I was admitted to hospital with all of these scattered symptoms and broke down and said I didn't know what was wrong but I knew it was really bad, and was told by my a&e doctor (who coincidently was a neurosurgeon :) ) that this WAS all due to anxiety and that the only thing that was physically wrong with me that I was severely underweight from the anxiety.

I don't meant to rant but anxiety honestly can create the most bizarre and extreme symptoms and our brain can convince us that we have symptoms when we don't. I was in hospital wired up to heart monitors claiming that I really must have some sort of brain problem, I drove my family crazy when I was like this, so don't feel alone, send a message if you'd like to chat, I know how worrying it can be :)

22-02-13, 01:12
I am getting worse and worse. Can't eat/ can't sleep. Dizziness when walking and in limbs/ Weakness throughout my body, which I can't describe. weird feeling in throat.

I know it's hard because I've been there but try to eat and rest. Because they could be big factors in why you feel so bad. I thought I was getting an appendicitis awhile back because of a pain near my belly button that dropped into my lower right abdomen, I mean what else could it be that's what Dr. Google told me. I pretty much starved myself for days because I was terrified that my appendix was going to burst if I ate anything. This gave me the feeling of weakness in my muscles, and a light-headedness when I stood up which all factored into the "Oh no I'm going to die from appendicitis, this weakness and light-headedness must be because of infection and not because I haven't eaten or slept properly". I'd seen several doctors several times and it also felt like they were just ignoring me, I was in hysterics crying to my partner on a daily basis that no one was helping me.

Though being persistent with doctors eventually got one to find out the pain was actually being caused by my ascending colon going into spasm from IBS. So be persistent but try not to worry too much, though I know that's harder said than done.

22-02-13, 07:28
been reading all your posts , i feel the same , been waking up all hrs with bags of sweat , not being able to eat , everything seems dry and hard to swallow with a golf ball feeling in my throat im going to choke and when drink i gulp , causing acid reflux , my poor bottom , constantly in the loo , ive had these experiances 2xs before in 10 years , it does go and may or maynot come back , unfortunatley for me , it come back 2nd time , im now on the 3rd episode , the last 4 days have been a nightmare , im just wanting to reach out for my diazepam . Honestly in time you will feel normality at one point , i have , but being an anxious person , i dwell on looking for something to worry about , which leads me spiralling backwards , CBT is really good , keep to it , im going to my 3rd attempted course soon i hope and im going to bloody work hard on it again and take more in than last time , think more for myself , and do it eeek , flush of blood and panic now just thinking