View Full Version : im up againe terrible virtago just lying in bed

06-09-06, 05:19
i just got back in bed after being woken up by choking and just as im about to dose back off my head started to spin as if i was drunk ive managed to get down the stairs againe but i feel as if im really drunk ive been getting this for some time now and was told it is vertigo but ive never had it while lying in bed i feel as if im falling even when im sitting here as anybody else had this its not a nice feeling another symptom

t motown

06-09-06, 07:03
yes i get it all the time i wake feeling dizzy and go to sleep feeling dizzy sometimes i feel like im going to fall backwards or forwards that happens wether im standing or sitting its hard i know but u will get better. well thats what i tell myself good luck

m potts

06-09-06, 18:34
Hi there, hoping by now you may feel a little better? Make sure you are eating, and drinking lots of fluids, lack of sleep can make you feel so dizzy, sometimes having an ear infection or even wax in your ears can make you feel worse. Try having a nice relaxing bath, eat something nice, if it continues, get your doc. to check your ears, it will be something and nothing, not that that helps at all, but try not to worry, it will pass, have a look at some of the old posts here, it is very common with anxiety, that doesn't help, i know, but maybe not feeling so alone with this might? take care and keep in touch. xxx

06-09-06, 19:39
I had a friend who would get vertigo lying down. Have you been to docs???