View Full Version : Male or Female

12-02-13, 22:27
Many years ago purely out of interest and to find if I was alone, I put up a poll to find out what percentage of Males and females had anxiety. I would be interested to find out what percentage of male and females use this site and have a anxiety disorder. Thanks.


13-02-13, 18:50
Thanks for the info so far.

14-02-13, 22:13

14-02-13, 22:33
Hey good idea for a poll. Although im not sure which gender has more sufferers I think there are more females that would come on a forum to talk about it. That will probably show in the results.

15-02-13, 14:25
yes as a male i was quite uneasy at first about coming on a forum to discuss my problems but eventually i just didn't care and did it. i feel i can help others on here aswel so i'm glad i joined and it really helped with my anxiety talking to others who are going through the same thing. so i would encourage more males to come on a forum like this.

15-02-13, 15:52
Statistics say women but I think in the stress of the world that most of us live in,more men are having breakdowns and as stated above men don't open up as much as women on an open forum (maybe i should rephrase that :) ) and avoid going to the doctors.

It's only fairly recently that there have been adverts on TV for testcular and prostrate cancer,to make men more aware.

15-02-13, 21:57
what difference does it make

15-02-13, 23:05
what difference does it make

Makes a lot of difference!!! Someone's sex shouldn't matter - damn right but unfortunatly men do tend to be a little more closed lipped about speaking about stuff such as having anxiety!

So on that note its only fair that help is representative of all who REALLY needs it and reflects ALL sufferers.

NB / fair test - SAMPLE size needs considering and frequency of tests to get a real or closer, representational answer to the question of this thread.

Stats may say women suffer more than men RE: anxiety BUT really?? Maybe once more because MEN don't speak out or admit their issues/ problems, therfore stats maybe invalid in this instance or not entirly true.

Also will help other suffers especially male get help, quicker and sooner knowing that anxiety isn't just for women!

16-02-13, 09:42
Anxiety has no boundaries, but I think it is harder for men to come forward and seek help than it is for women. Women(some) have always been known for talking openly about their feelings. Thankfully it is now more acceptable in society for men to do the same.

18-02-13, 04:40
So True..

18-02-13, 09:34
Sorry for the curt statement earlier , I was tired after a 14 hour shift . I do see your point and do understand that men tend to suffer in silence . This might seem like a coincidence but here,s what I done over the last 10 days or so : Ive came OUT of the closet , no not that closet " THE ANXIETY CLOSET " to everyone whom Im in regular contact with including employers , friends and ALL family ( I hid this from extended family including brothers and sister) , Ive virtually screamed from the roof tops I have a problem with nerves and anxiety and have had it for many years so if i seem to be acting strange at time its because of this . Guess what , i got NOT ONE negative response but instead tons and tons of hand shakes hugs and supporting comments . I DO NOT CARE if any one talks behind my back which Im sure is only natural especially at work . My employers were brilliant , I explained I had some difficult personal issues which triggered an axiety response for which I am seeking treatment , honest they could not have been more helpful , they have offered me some extra breaks and leave for appointments etc if required . I feel as if I have just shifted mount Everest from my shoulders , I cried with happiness for hours at home . I have started my garden project after Months of worrying about it and feel fantastic . I f I feel shaky or fearful at some times of the day I put it down to habbit and just shrug my Shoulders and ACCEPT IT , i do not fight it or shrink from it . I will keep you posted .

edit : I should mention that iv,e been listening and reading Claire Weekes material every day , she talks in depth about acceptance , don,t fight , feel the panic and carry on , don't let that SECOND FEAR in as its the fear of fear that keeps us in the state we are in , we are afraid of ONLY THIS, the state we are in ..... I don,t know if the penny has finally dropped but I woke up one day and said to myself " iv,e had enough of this " , it was that very day I decided to tell the world how I feel inside instead of putting a brave face on everything . In AA they stand up and say " my name is Tom , James or whoever and ,i,m an alcoholic " . I think that,s a very powerful liberating thing to do , one is accepting and sharing their burden thus defusing the pressure on oneself , at least that's my psychological view ,so iv,e more or less applied AA psychology to anxiety and panic , iv,e at last accepted that when I had that weird sensation when I was 18 years old it was a panic attack which led me to live the next 38 years in an anxious fearful state ............I now know why I did , it was fear of fear , it is fear of fear , it became a habit, it was me , it became me ............... but not any more , I accept , I accept I accept .

Thanks and God Bless you all .

18-02-13, 10:48
Wow Tamo, what an inspirational post. Thanks for sharing that. I hope you continue to feel great! :yesyes:

21-02-13, 23:24
Great post Tamo. Very inspirational. One day I would love to tell everyone I meet that I suffer from anxiety, fear of fear is very powerful indeed but facing possible ridicule or feeling more self conscious is just not an option.

One day, just one day I will do as you have.


22-02-13, 17:13
Sorry for ranting tamo.