View Full Version : I can't do it

06-09-06, 07:15
Decided the risk of side effects is too much so im not going to take it, yet again ive wasted my drs time, I feel really guilty and upset over this.

The anti d he prescribed is a very old one and from what ive read I really do not want to take it.

I do need some help though, this worrying about my health is taking over my life and im slipping. Not sure what to do or what to think to e honest.

My usual GP is there today and I know he would see me but I saw him 3 wks ago and he gave me anti ds which I never took, saw him friday for blood results and he asked if I took them and I said no, which he said was fair enough then yesterday I was there seeing a different dr pouring my heart out, he was reluctant to give me anti ds but did and im so unsure about them.

Not sure what to do, scared to take medication and unsure if it will help.

Any advice please? so sorry to take over.

06-09-06, 09:19
Two years ago i had terrible panick attaks and like you went to my doctor and she gave me medication and i too was terrified to take them but eventually i did. They took a couple of weeks to work and they really did help. I used to find it really hard to go out and missed work loads but after taking the meds i carried on as normal and went to work etc I was on them for a year and after having a hysterectomy last year came off them and have been just over a year without . I have been having bad days lately but i think i may be starting menopause also after coming off we moved 300 miles away from my family and friends to a derilict property that we are renovating while living in it and i think the stress of that missing my very supportive friends is making me feel like i do .I would try the medication ut helped me so much and from reading on this forum has helped so many people. I myself am going back to see the doctor on monday .Good luck take care and let us know how you get on.
All the best Annexx

06-09-06, 09:42
Thank you Anne,

I wish I could find the strength to do so:-(

06-09-06, 09:54

I was worried at first but I decided that I wanted a life back, so i decided to give the medication ago.

After the initial two weeks I started to notice my chest did not feel tight and other anxiety symtoms disappeared.

I still worry about things but less symtoms appear because of the medication.


06-09-06, 09:55
Thanks Red,

Wish I was that strong.

06-09-06, 09:58
Hi Jem

What side effects are you worried about?
I haven't started the ones I was given a month ago cos I'm scared they'll make me worse. I know that if that does happen, they probably will ease after a while, just too scared to go through it in th first place.
My mum said the other day if you don't take them, the doctor's just gonna hold his hands up and say he's done all he can, which is scary, but still can't bring myself to take them 'just in case'.
I think this is a common worry.


06-09-06, 10:02
Sorry you feel the same.

I am scared mainly of an allergic reaction and of the risk of fits etc...

06-09-06, 10:08
If there were an allergic reaction, wouldn't it happen quite quickly after taking?
Can you explain to dr, maybe take the first one in the surgery then hang about for a while?
I know it might feel a bit daft, but would it help? If so, I say do that.


06-09-06, 10:20
I wish I could do that but on my own with the 3 kids today. I have rung my surgery and asked the GP to ring me for advice, I feel a fool but maybe he will be able to reassure me.

06-09-06, 10:33
My farther said the same, If i did not take the medication then the doctor has done all he can.

You have done the correct thing is giving him a call.
Let us know what he says?


06-09-06, 10:34

Seriously, take them, The side affects are just written to cover themselves.

You will be fine. I was on Meds for about 8 months and have done 2 months without now and i tell you now, i wouldnt have made it without that pick me up.

Take them.....i think you really need this little bit of help, just for some light relief from this dreadful gremlin that has really got its grip!

If you do have side affects, it will be nothing too serious and then you can always stop taking them.

Jem, hun, dont be afraid....it will be alright

Good luck and fingers crossed for you xx

Hay x

06-09-06, 10:37
Thank you both, my mum should be here soon I shall ask her to sit with me. THank you, im really nervous about my dr ringing incase he thinks im wasting his time, I only saw a dr yesterday and saw him friday:-(

06-09-06, 10:37
Hi Jem

The leaflet on side effects on meds are scary, but what you have to understand that there there for mostly legal reasons, if a small amout of poeple have had a side effect they have to write it down, otherwise they might get taken to court, Ohhhh it never said on the leaflet I may feel this way and off they go sueing them [:O] If you look on tabs that most people take from time to time paracetamol., there are lots of side effects on that leaflet too, BUT, no one seems to read them.

Not sure what tabs you have been given, but is it possible to start with a very very low does,[?] and see how you go, just a small does in your system to take the fear away of taking them in case you have a reation to them, a small does will show you are not ellergic to then. I dont know if you can do this, ask your gp, tell him your fears.

I have heard lots of good things about meds and how they have helped, its not for us all but is it not worth giving it ago.

**Wish I was that strong**. you are stronger than you think Jem, every day you face your fears, you mind is working hard every day to overcome your fears, notice this and be proud of yourself. You are going though alot and the meds may be just the thing to give you the break that you need to work things out.

I do hope you can overcome your fear of taking the meds, yet I know that its dame hard changing thought pattern,s. Try writing all the positive's down if the meds did work, looking more to the positive side of things helps, but as I said its dame hard.

The mind is a very powerfull thing. I don't like taking meds, but when I was acut my mind was overcome by fear of going mad, my fear of meds was overtaken by my fear of maddness and I would of taken anything to take the fear of going mad away.

Let us know how things go Jem



06-09-06, 10:38
Thanks jill,

He has given me clomipramine 10mg twice a day.

I am so so scared and worried the dr will think im a time waster for ringing him, really don't want to get up his nose.

06-09-06, 10:46

I have been to my doctors 3 times in two weeks because I'm worrying about my throat, I feel embarrassed but who cares, seeing mine yesterday has helped me cope today so it was worth it.

I'm on 40mg of amatriplitine (spelt incorrect) and the leaflet details a whole page of side effects and I have only had one of those in 12 months (dry mouth).


06-09-06, 10:49

Thats what we pay our taxes for.
It is there job to help us feel better, dont feel
scared about annoying him. It's what he is paid for
and he has most definantely got worse patients then you.

Let us know how you get on xx

Hay x

06-09-06, 10:50

I wouldn't take Diazepam at first cos worries of side effects (I, too thought I'd go into anaphylaxis or something). In the end my mum practically forced one down my throat!
So yeah, get your mum to sit with you for a bit and take the first one while she's there if that will help. If that one does you no physical harm (which it won't!) then no subsequent ones will.
I do know how you feel and when you've got little'uns there it's more worrying cos you're kinda restricted, if that makes any sense.

Take the plunge. When my partner gets in, I'm gonna take mine too now.

Take carexx

06-09-06, 10:53
Thank you all, im hoping my mum will come round before lunchtime so I can take it. I hope my GP won't mind talking to me either.

Thanks again, your all so supportive.

06-09-06, 11:00
Hi Jem,

Of course your GP wont mind you talking to him that is what he is there for. He has given you something to take and you need reasurance on this. It may help if you write down what you want to say, so you don't do what I would do, ( put the phon down and think, ohhhh I should have said this LOL)



06-09-06, 11:51
Thanks Jill,

Still waiting for the call, knowing my luck he will ring when I take my boys to school and nursery and im not due in till 3pm.

06-09-06, 21:47
Hi Jem

Hope the call with your doc was helpful.

My doc recently gave me Seroxat starting 10mg. I was worried cos of all the bad stuff you hear about it. When I read the leaflet I felt worse. The side effects seemed to be half the symptoms I was trying to avoid!

But my doctor said that the side effects are rare, and if I'm concerned just come back and talk to her. She also said that one patient told her that after taking Seroxat she felt she had her life back. I was so desperate I felt I had to take the risk.

I'm still slowly making the journey, but the only side effect I have is a dry mouth (which I had years ago on anti-depressants so I'm not worried about that one).

Hope you're feeling better.


07-09-06, 06:44
Thanks Lisa.

I know they are rare but I can't help but worry.