View Full Version : My son goes away with school skiing and I'm scared stiff. Help

12-02-13, 22:45
I've known about this trip away for a year now. My son is going on a long coach trip with school skiing and I am now starting to panic. The problem is he is 14 and has suffered from asthma since one year old. It seems to have become very mild at the moment but I have told him what to do if he gets a cold. The problem is I am really starting to loose it now and I am having thoughts of not letting him go.

Please can you advise me.


12-02-13, 23:14
The school, teachers and classmates, ski instructors and so on will all look out for your son : ) I'm sure he will be fine and have a wonderful time.

12-02-13, 23:21
I know how you are feeling and why you are so worried. It is always difficult when they have a health problem. My son too has a quite a serious health problem and has had this since he was almost 12 years old (he's now 21) and I still can't let go but I am learning that you just have to and let them live their lives. If he really wants to go then it would be hard to stop him. Presumably there will almost certainly be responsible adults looking after them and they will have your contact number if there was a problem. I know when my son went I had to inform them of his medical condition and they were able to assess whether it was safe for him to go. If they have done this with your son and they have said he can go, then they must have emergency contingency plans in place in case something happens. You can also make sure he has all his meds with him and no doubt he knows what to do if he has an attack. It won't stop you worrying I know but at least there are mobile phones/internet etc. so you can keep in touch while he's away. Hope this helps.

13-02-13, 11:01
I always felt the same when my children went on school trips but didn't want to put my fears onto them so let them go without them knowing my fears. I work in a school so know all the risk assessments that need to be done. Your son will be well looked after :). My daughter just went to Bolivia and cycled down the most dangerous road in the world. It was something she really wanted to do and I have to let them live their own lifes no matter how hard it is for me.

18-02-13, 05:28
Thankyou everyone. He went on Friday and I have already had texts from some of the other mums anxious as they have not been able to make contact on the mobile since they "went through the tunnel". I am sure everything is fine but I still dread the phone ringing. I feel very bad because I was very anxious on the last night and he did not seem to be listening to me telling him about what to do if he gets a cold. I had to raise my voice and tell him it was very important and that if he did not listen to me he could end up hospitalised. His reply was "stop trying to scare me" . Then I was full of remorse and apologised to him as I really wanted him to enjoy this week away so so much. I feel really dreadful now. Its the what if's. t doesn't help that I was airlifted to intensive care when I went on my ski holiday with the school!!

I am taking each day at a time. Suffering palpitations, waking in the night, edgy and no doubt very difficult to live with.


18-02-13, 09:05
Your son is 14 now, he will be fine and he is in good hands. I know when I take kids on school trips I probably keep a batter check on them than I do my own kids! If you don't get a phone call or can't get through due to signal loss it doesn't matter...no news is good news :) If they need to contact you for any reason they will. You must try not to put your fears on to your son. If he does happen to call you..don't spend the time telling him what he should and shouldn't be doing, just listen to him telling you about the fun he is having and tell him to enjoy the holiday. No mention of what if you get a cold, what if this or that happens. It isn't easy I know. My therapist challenged me not to check up on what my kids are doing (all in their 20's now!) I can't look on their facebook or twitter feeds! (my way of checking they are ok without phoning every day!). :hugs::hugs: