View Full Version : Can't breathe properly?

12-02-13, 23:09
Hi so as you know by my posts i suffer from symptoms everyday and shortness of breath is one although i don't always get this but when i do i seem to have it for long periods of time. Ive not had it for a long time anyway today my therapist make me go out and run because im frightened of exercise because im always dizzy. So as i was doing i got really out of breath which is normal but it felt like something was sitting on my chest and it felt like a asthma attack. Anyway 8 hours later it ain't so bad but i feel like i can't breath properly and something sitting on my chest it has made me so depressed tonight as im frightened of going to sleep and waking up up breathing.. i keep thinking it is asthma but ive never be diagnosed for asthma. I just feel like im leaving something that could be serious? I mean if it was just me being out of shape why would i still feel like it this many hours later? Has anyone had this after exercise and would could it be? It is really frightening me im 19 and male btw ... Thanks.

13-02-13, 00:05
Hi Tom

I can sympathize with you. I suggest though that you tell the doctor who can give you a spirometry test at the surgery, they check your lungs for abnormalities including asthma.

Everyone breaths harder after exercise and maybe the feeling of heaviness in your chest was tension but all the same it's best to get it checked out.


13-02-13, 00:15
Hi Tom

I can sympathize with you. I suggest though that you tell the doctor who can give you a spirometry test at the surgery, they check your lungs for abnormalities including asthma.

Everyone breaths harder after exercise and maybe the feeling of heaviness in your chest was tension but all the same it's best to get it checked out.


Hi Betty thanks for your reply, yeah ive booked up for Doctors but got to wait a week for appointment. It is so distressing but im sure it is only anxiety but your right best to get it checked out. Thanks again :)

13-02-13, 09:16
I get this after strenuous exercise and with me it is caused by the adrenaline rush...
It makes me hyperventilate which usually leads on to a full blown panic attack.
Getting yourself checked out by a doctor is a really good idea though, to rule out anything else.

16-02-13, 21:34
I get this after strenuous exercise and with me it is caused by the adrenaline rush...
It makes me hyperventilate which usually leads on to a full blown panic attack.
Getting yourself checked out by a doctor is a really good idea though, to rule out anything else.

oh ok thanks for your help. I think it is the same reason as you but better get it checked anyway, thanks.