View Full Version : Please I need help finding and answer to this

13-02-13, 01:45
I have been doing so good lately I have even felt happy! But today i looked behind my daughters ears again and I cant help but think that the swollen lymph nodes mean something serious. She is not sick and her blood work and ultra sound came back normal but the lymphnodes wont go away, and they are painless. I have had her to lots of doctors and none seem really concerned but today the doctor said it must be an infection but he doesnt know from where. I am sick with worry. He said because of the blood work he knows its not cancer but thats all that comes to my mind. Has anyone had experience with this? There swollen behind both ears, about the same size and somedays there jelly like and other times they are hard. No I dont freak her out or anything I just let her know that we just have to keep an eye on it. Lately I been even feeling slightly suicidal not cause I want to die but I dont want to lose one of my children.

14-02-13, 01:47
anyone? Please