View Full Version : Stomach pains after drinking soy milk, so scared :(

13-02-13, 04:07
So I bought this organic carob soy milk. It's all a part of my new diet.

After drinking it about a half hour later, my stomach hurts and I feel bloated. 'm scared :weep:

13-02-13, 05:35
Hi there. I had the exact same results after drinking soya milk. Some people have an intolerance to soya and it causes bloating and cramps. Don't worry it'll go soon - just avoid soya milk in the future

13-02-13, 07:42
Hi there,

When I eat a large amount of soya products, I get terrible stomach cramps and bloating. I've always put it down to the high amounts of fibre. It should go away in its own.


13-02-13, 09:10
I've also recently started switching to lots of soy and tofu as part of a healthier diet... I've also been getting stomach pains sometimes, and more gas... I put it down to the extra fibre too... so I don't worry about it too much. :)

Daisy Sue
13-02-13, 09:57
i've tried really hard to get onto soya over the past year or so, for hormonal reasons, but i found i can't do it fully. i can tolerate soya supplements in the form of capsules, i'm ok with soya margarine, but soya milk goes through me like a train.. not so much bloating and pain, it just acts like liquid dynamite on me!

if you're trying to avoid dairy, there are lots of other decent milks out there, like rice milk and almond milk... and also the lactose-free cows milk.

13-02-13, 20:33
Thank you guys so much for responding :)

The pains subsided after an hour. I'm gonna try again and see if happens again. I bought 12 little carob boxes so as soon as it's done, I'll move on to Almond Milk.

I'm really loving the new diet I'm on though. Thanks again! xx