View Full Version : Worried about heart beat

13-02-13, 08:18
Hello guys.
As normal im stressing about everything from norovirus to heart beats.
I notice my heart beat quite alot and it seems very exagerated.
I dont know if its my anxiety playing tricks on me.
I took my resting pulse last night through my wrist and it was about 75-80 bmp.
I was quite anxious at the time though.
I find my heart beats faster when im tired, is this normal?

Is there anywhere I can buy an electronic pulse checker?
Ive signed up with CRY and they are sending me info when
they are in my area.
Ive never had an ECG or heart tests before so worrying i have an underlying issue

13-02-13, 09:14
Hi there. :)

I also had these problems, where my heart beat felt 'exaggerated' ... it was due to anxiety which made me hyperaware of what my body was doing. Your BPM is normal, and it will vary depending on how stressed you are, how much you age, if you are dehydrated, have enough potassium (eat bananas for that!). Normal range resting BPm is about 60-80bpm.. mine is often in the 70s. It used to freak me out, but now i accept it as NORMAL , which it is! ;-)

Tiredness will effect your pulse.. try to rest more, drink more water, and try not to worry.. easy to say I know. If you still worry, then arrange to have an ECG, which will set you mind at ease.

I hope that helps? :)

13-02-13, 14:08
Thank you. The fact mine is in the high normal range is worrying.

13-02-13, 14:18
It's not worrying, because you've said yourself, it's in the NORMAL range. ;-)

I also used to fret about my BPM... but not anymore... mine is often in the 70s and sometimes 80s... I worry more about my BP than my heart rate now. :)

Try to relax your mind more, and your heart rate is likely to come down... I do meditation, it helps... because you control your breathing ... and that brings down heart rate. :)

13-02-13, 14:56
A normal range is anywhere from 60 to 100bpm depending on each individual. Mine on resting usually around 75 but when walking around nearer 95.

13-02-13, 19:44
you can download an app that checks your pulse its called instanr heart rate the thing is tho checking your pulse all the time makes you more anxious.thus increasing your hr

a resting hr of 75is normal the more fit you are the lower the heart rate