View Full Version : Completely gone downhill again

13-02-13, 11:10
I just cannot believe what is happening. I have been doing so well with my anxiety the past 2 months, was even getting ready to go to a concert. Now this past week it has slowly been creeping up on me, then today a 2 min walk to the shop and I freak out, get very panicky, really wanting to go home, I felt like crying in the street!
I haven't felt like that for a long time.
Its half term now so this week I've been at home and sorry for tmi but its that time of the month aswell which I hate, it throws me off and my anxiety is always high but not like this!
I feel back to square one again now. I'm now worrying about going back out again. I just cant keep doing this, up and down. Fine for a month then freaking out the next, then fine again then panicking. Its exhausting and its getting me down, I get more down and upset about this each time. Feel like such a failure.
I can always get past my anxiety, I can be great for a year or more but this just wont go away.
My therapist is great but its obviously not working so much :(

13-02-13, 11:17
Just think of this as a little blip, we do get them but you know what? You have overcome it before and you can do it again. the little 'blips' will get shorter and shorter. the time of the month doesn't help either, I think most women get more anxious at this time :hugs::hugs:

13-02-13, 11:25
Hi Emma, I know how your feeling its a nightmare. As Annie says its just a blip. Wot I have come to notice on many of the forms how bad all us women are when the dreaded are due. I have said to my doc could it be anything to do with hormones Finally yesterday I got blood tests done I know is a long shot but they are checking my hormones, vitimans b and magnesium which if its low can also cause anxiety. I am just trying to rule out everything. Sending big :hugs:

13-02-13, 20:33
You will get over this.
Just take it one day at a time.
Tomorrow is another day and it will be better than today.
Onward and upwards.x

13-02-13, 20:44
Hi Emma, every time I have a bad day I feel a complete failure like you say, but what I'm coming to realise is "this too shall pass" - you have felt well before... you will feel well again. :hugs:

A penny has dropped for me actually re the time of the month - I was suddenly ten times worse in recent days and the timing works exactly - thanks for the heads up!

13-02-13, 21:49
Thanks for the replies :) I've been feeling awful all day and now getting upset and dreading tomorrow. I'm suppose to be going to the supermarket but all I'm thinking is what if I feel like I did today. At the moment I just feel like I cant go on like this, it takes over my life. I love having good days but I always know there is a bad day round the corner :(

14-02-13, 23:04
Hey Emma, how did today go, did you make it to the supermarket? Hope today has been a better day for you :)

15-02-13, 09:35
hi emma
it is just a blip !!!
yeah easy for me to say i know...but like others have said they will get shorter and less often.
i am fairly recovered from anx and panic now but just after xmas i had a real bad blip and like you got really down and thought i was back to square one...BUt hey i wasnt.
with the support of everyone here i came through it and am back to how i was.
you will be ok i prmoise...
one thing ive learnt and most probably one of the most difficult is that "tomorrow is anouther day" ...get up and start again , and if by some chance it doesnt go right do it all again the next day.
we are here for you and you will be ok.