View Full Version : Citalopram + Ginkgo Biloba?

13-02-13, 12:21
Hi is it ok to take citalopram and ginkgo biloba... I'm on 20mg cit been on it a year now. I can't seem to concentrate on things very well. I hear ginkgo is meant to be good for memory etc.

Is there any harm taking both? Anyone else out there tried it?

It's 60mg ginkgo + 20mg citalopram

13-02-13, 13:17
Don't take Ginkgo with ssri,s without first consulting your GP.
It can have a moderate risk of adverse s/e s depending what type of Ginkgo it is.
Omega fish oils are good for memory and are perfectly safe to take with Citalopram.

13-02-13, 13:32
Unfortunately, the average GP probably doesn't have a clue about things like this. Caution is advised in combining the two because of an alleged risk of serotonin syndrome but there have also been studies that show ginkgo can be effective in combating sexual side effects of SSRIs.

My personal experience is that I've been taking 40mg of Prozac along with a much higher dose of a ginkgo/ginseng combo for a couple of years with no problems and great results.

Certainly speak to your doc but it might come down to giving it a go and seeing what happens, if you are prepared to do that.