View Full Version : Can't carry on like this!

13-02-13, 12:28
I am so convinced i have a brain tumour or m.s. I have had my eyes tested and had small neuro tests and all ok. My gp said I have nystagmus in my left eye and still a touch of vertigo.
Everyday 24/7 I can feel something in the left side of my head like cold/numb and shooting pains, I have a horrid taste, nausea, no appetite, my left eye feels odd.
I sit all day on the computer researching brain tumours and m.s. I have even been doing the neuro exams on myself. I am worried because it says nystagmus can be a symptom.
I saw a gp on Monday who doesn't seem concerned but I feel so ill.
I keep trying to tell myself this all kicked off with vertigo 3 months ago which isn't has bad now but I am still off balance so I was thinking it wouldn't have got better it would have got worse wouldn't it?
I feel like I have lost myself and it's on my mind 24/7. I just sit miserable all day and can't see me ever feeling any better. I feel like I want an MRI scan or a neurologist. I haven't had my bloods done since last June either. I am worried sick.

13-02-13, 12:32
I think you need to shut the computer down, get out and get some fresh air and some exercise.

You are making things 100 times worse researching it all day.

You have been told there is nothing wrong and you have to believe that and start living rather than looking for more evidence that you are dying.

13-02-13, 12:38
I too thought I had a brain tumour about 18 months ago. I had vertigo and a strange fuzzy feeling in my head. The Doctor said it was a mix of sinusitis and anxiety but of course I didn't believe her. Went to another doctor who said the same thing. But what helped me was that he told me that with a brain tumour the symptoms just get worse, they don't ever go away and they grow increasingly stronger. Because my symptoms would come and go that convinced me I was safe. It still took 6 months but I did recover 100% I had acupuncture and was given various vitamins, I started walking and eating right. All that seemed to help. It has never returned.
So if your vertigo is improving that's a good sign. A doctor would know if you needed a scan or to be referred to a specialist.
Anxiety is an awful thing because it disguises itself in various physical ailments that in turn cause more anxiety.....and so it goes on and on.....
I hope you soon start to feel better

13-02-13, 12:52
I am constantly amazed at just HOW ill anxiety can make me feel, but it must be anxiety right? Because is I had really been as ill as I feel for as long as I have felt like this I would surely be gone by now, now typing this.

Cold comfort I know, but it really can make you feel "properly" and "very" unwell.

13-02-13, 13:45
It started with bad spinning vertigo and my head hasn't felt right since. I constantly feel like there is a bowling bowl in the side of my head it never goes away. I don't get the full on spinning vertigo now but just off balance. I feel on edge all the time and I keep pausing when I speak to think what i want to say. Usually when I have had anxiety in the past I get glimpses of feeling ok but I am not this time I feel like I am getting worse I.e memory, balance. I have no appetite at all and when I force myself to eat I feel like I could be sick.

13-02-13, 17:06
I've just started with these giddy feelings as described here. I thought it might be to do with my blood pressure which was 160/100 when I took it on our home machine. Going to the doctors on Tuesday though to see what they say.

It's strange as it only seems to occur when I am sitting at my desk using the computer. If I lie down or even when I went out for a brisk walk, the symptoms were not present at all.

13-02-13, 21:08
Agree with Nicola. I was obsessed I had a tumour 9 years ago and I sat all day researching. I made myself so ill. Once I broke the cycle the fear and obsession left me.

14-02-13, 16:13
Been back to the doctors today and he gave me a good neurological exam and said he can't see anything to suggest a tumour. He said he would do my bloods to reassure me and said he shouldn't but if I wanted he could send me for a brain ct scan but there are risks because they are full of radiation.
I am getting my bloods done at 5pm