View Full Version : Hello from a panic sufferer

13-02-13, 19:30
Hi everyone!

I found this forum while searching for information on fluoxetine side effects. As a matter of fact I've been feeling nauseated since I started the medication and I suspected it could be from it - which seems to be the case.

I suffer from panic attacks and anxiety for six years now. Everything started before a college exam while I was washing my teeth in the morning getting ready to leave for class. It was a really frightening experience especially because at the time I had no idea of what a panic attack was like nor it even occured to me that it could be it - I thought I was going to die from a sudden cardiac problem or so.

After that I suffered more full blown panic attacks and I even got to the hospital in emergency because I always feel so bad physically that I can only think of that I am going to colapse soon so I must rush to the emergency room.

Right now I am feeling like I am panicking: shortness of breath, bloated abdomen and willingness to evacuate, a sense of tightening in the chest, dizziness and vertigo, accelerated breath (hyperventilation), etc. It's weird, I was cleaning up my house, I get tired easily (I am overweight due to medications now) and suddenly I started feeling this. It happens a lot. But the thing that strikes me is that I have my health checked (including the heart) and nothing organical comes up as a possible cause. Sometimes I also experience the terrible "pounding heart" symptom, especially when a full blown panic attack comes up. Can any of you relate to these symptoms? I'm curious whether people feel this bloated abdomen/evacuate urge I so often get - this usually gets me even more anxious and the anxiety seems to escalate due to that.

Now, last thursday I went to my doctor and he changed my medication after I told him that I have been feeling a little bit depressed lately, so he changed my regimen of fluvoxamine 100mg 3x a day to fluoxetine 20mg 1x a day plus amisulpride 50mg 1x a day, which I am supposed to increase to fluoxetine 20mg 3x a day plus amisulpride 50mg 2x a day. At the peak I am supposed to take one capsule of fluoxetine plus one ampoule of amisulpride at breakfast and two capsules of fluoxetine and one ampoule of amisulpride at lunch. I've been wondering: isn't two capsules of fluoxetine taken at once a little bit two much of it?! What do you guys make out of this? Have any of you ever made 60mg/fluoxetine per day? Is it safe?

So, in a nutshell, this is my awful situation right now. It seems that I will never get rid of these terrible symptoms that stalk me for 6 years now, 7 in July this year.

I hope to get to know the forum better and eventually keep on sharing my experiences with you.

Best regards.

13-02-13, 19:43
Hi Junot

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

13-02-13, 21:15
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


13-02-13, 23:11
Hi. Welcome to the forum. I hope you find lots of help and support, as I have.

14-02-13, 16:50

15-02-13, 06:21
Hello and welcome

15-02-13, 06:45
Junot hello.
If you have faith in your doctor and I presume he knows you well,go with his advise and how ever awful you feel right now give it a few good weeks and then if you see no improvement go back to see him again.
No single drug has the same side effect on each individual and eventually you will have to weigh up the relief against the side effects.

16-02-13, 10:58
Hi junto I'm on 60 mgs I increased to 60 mgs on the 18th jan. I take them all at once. I also t ake mirtazapine at night which helps me sleep but I have put on 2 stone since September and am now classed as obese. I have only just started to feel less anxious. Hope your having a better day.

16-02-13, 15:00
hello junto and welcome to the site

17-02-13, 04:24
Hello reading your post I can relate to all your symptoms it is hard but we must be strong and believe in our selfs we will get through this :hugs:

18-02-13, 00:01

Thank you all for welcoming me and for your kind words.

Unfortunately I ended up in hospital last night. Will make a post on that.

Best regards

18-02-13, 11:51
what happened?

18-02-13, 13:50
what happened?


I've got very disturbing symptoms that woke me up from sleep.

I wrote it down on the thread "Abdominal and chest pain during sleep time - ended up in the hospital". It's in the Symptoms sub-forum.
