View Full Version : Hot flashes

13-02-13, 21:21
Hiya every week or so I have these hot flashes where I go burning hot its horrible and was really embarrasing last time i had to go and stand outside in the snow and I couldn't cool down ,It makes me panic is this anxiety any ideas ?x they seem to come out of nowhere

13-02-13, 22:09
I know one should never ask a lady he age. But do u mind me asking. I'm 49 years young and am afflicted with many things menopausal. I get very very hot, usually I'm hot anyway but suddenly I'll be even more so. Often happens at work. Luckily I sit opposite someone who is the same age and also has flushes. We both have fans next to our desks. We laugh at each other when we need our fans going. I think because there's 2 of us in the same boat that helps a bit. You'll find there are many, many ladies afflicted with this on here. Bloomin' nuisance tho isn't it?

14-02-13, 08:26
I have hot flashes all the time. On my anxiety free days I don't get them. The more anxious I am the more of them I get.

14-02-13, 08:53
Well im only 22 so I really don't know I suppose thinking about it it has happened on social settings so I probably am more anxious x