View Full Version : My dr rung me

06-09-06, 12:12
and gave me a bollocking8-)

He said I have to take them, I can't keep coming ot the dr worrying about taking pills and not taking them. He said '**** happens julie, sorry to be blunt but it does but you will never get better unless you help yourself now take them and come and see me next week'

So ive been told:-]

I can't even cut it up though its a capsule;)

06-09-06, 12:18
Take it......You will be fine
Good luck!

Hay x

06-09-06, 12:20
Hi Jem

Please take the tablet you will be fine chuck

Take care

Elaine x

06-09-06, 12:24

Take them, your be fine, I worried at first but know I just take them and not even think about them!


06-09-06, 13:00
I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL my doctor has just put me on paroxetine
but i felt the same as you but im giving it a go this is my 3rd day on it
its so so hard but please try im feeling ok at the mo i just keep looking forward to when i feel better ,
you will be fine
take care denisexxx


06-09-06, 13:11
That told you then!

It will be ok, keep us posted.

Good luck xx

06-09-06, 16:32

When have you been told to take them, in the evening?


06-09-06, 19:26
THanks, ive taken it now & I feel alot better.

06-09-06, 19:48
Your doc sounds like he really cares. Take his advice.

06-09-06, 21:06
Well done,you have done great.[Yeah!]You should be really proud of your self.How you feeling?:)

Ellen XX

06-09-06, 21:09
Thanks Ellen,

Feeling sick/dry mouth and tired. Very very anxious though, got few pains in my arm/hand and im thinking I will have a heart attack or something. I am terrified tonight I will have a nasty reaction while I sleep:-( I hate night time.

06-09-06, 21:57

I hate meds and cannot abide even anti-biotics. I will do anything to avoid them and even when I cracked a rib I refused to take the strong prescription pain-killers they prescribed so I know how you feel.

I am wondering if you feel that you really can't abide these drugs that you do need to take them?

There are other routes med free that I took as I tried Dothiepin and Prozac and pinned all my hopes on them curing me and neither did.

I am just wondering if you will be better going med free and getting counselling and CBT instead and taking the natural route - exercise, diet, vitamins etc etc

These drugs will NOT cure you - they will alleviate the symptoms and give you a break from the feelings but if at the same time they make you feel this bad and obviously distressed then is it worth it?

Just a thought.


06-09-06, 22:06
I do agree with Nicola, but I also think you need a break. Anything's worth a try isn't it?

Are you on the waiting list for talking therapy of some kind? Cos that's what should hopefully help long-term, but I do think trying meds to get you through a sticky patch is certainly worth a go.

Well done, Julie, you'lll be back in the morning, I promise!


06-09-06, 22:08
Hi Jem

Glad you chatted with your doc, even if you were told off!

My doc recently put me on Seroxat. I was really worried after reading side effects, but my doc said the pills can really help. She also said you may feel sick and have a dry mouth, but that taking pills with or after food makes you less likely to feel sick. But like Meg says, don't forget that pills are an aid. Treating whatever causes the anxiety as well as the symptoms is also important.

Your body is adjusting to the new pills, so you will feel some differences, but that doesn't mean its bad. Trouble is the anxiety makes you feel so many things on the side effects list too. [8D]

Hope u feel better soon.


07-09-06, 06:40
THanks, I had a bad night really anxious about being on them, im not 100% sure I will carry on taking them:-(

07-09-06, 06:50
I am on a waiting list for CBT and possible a psychaitrist.

07-09-06, 07:57

Same here, been told it could take four months to be assesed then a further 6 months before they can see me.
