View Full Version : unexpected thoughts

14-02-13, 12:54
Dont know if I can post about this but I just wondered when having a panic attack or just coming down from one. Does anyone have thoughts come into there head that they just don't expect then it frightens them into an attack. I am carefull about the wording but sometimes a suicidal thought comes into my head. I don't want to die or anything but never the less it comes in to my head then scares the hell out of me. First thing I do is tell my husband or phone the samaratons or my mum or anyone that will listen. Its got the point where I am scared to be on my own like I don't trust my will power. I told my GP and he says dont worry its just a negative thought, if you don't want to do it then thats all it is.

14-02-13, 13:04
Yeah that type of thought seems like an OCD type of thought. I have had similar thoughts, but not so much about suicide, more like jabbing pens in my eyes or sharp objects. Its really bizarre actually and scares the hell out of me - i will be writing something and then all of a sudden get this thought of myself jabbing my eyes out with a pen... then it goes away.