View Full Version : Why does this keep happening?

14-02-13, 13:07
Hi everyone,
I dont know why but i am feeling really panicky today,i woke up feeling on edge,i had to go to the dentist and im not usually worried about that,we had to get a taxi there as i am panicking when i drive at the moment,so ive tried to avoid it.The driver of the taxi was eratic and i found myself in my head going mental,just wishing we could pull over,i felt lightheaded sick and i was shaking,my heart was all over the place.When we reached our destination i was a mess.I managed to get in the dentists but i was slurring & to an extent still slurring my words a bit.Finding it so hard to to rid the brain fog.Anyway my husband said we are taxing home(i panicked again) luckily this driver was very good and i kind of felt safer.Im home now and still feeling edgy,tummy is flipping and my heart is racing.I get the same thing happen any time i have to use my car or any form of public transport.Im so sick of feeling sick if you know what i mean.I feel so sad and pathetic.:weep:

15-02-13, 15:04
You are far from sad and pathetic...please don't think like that. The way you have been feeling is the result of lots of anxiety and your body going into overdrive with adrenalin. You need to give yourself a bit of a break and realise you have had a difficult time. Don't beat yourself up, just think of it the same as if you had a bad headache, or had hurt your back. You wouldn't be so hard on yourself then, would you? You need to do something nice, pamper yourself...get your hubby to run you a hot bath, watch something nice on TV. Tomorrow is another day. Have a look at the CBT section on the forum. Robin Hall's books are very very good and think about contacting him.

17-02-13, 17:48
Hello and thankyou for replying.Thankyou also for your advice,i am feeling a bit brighter today,although im in alot of pain with ongoing medical health prolems.I have had a nice hot bath and been taking things easy today,i am going to look at this cbt that you have mentioned in a moment.Its nice to know that i am not alone in this.Once again thankyou x