View Full Version : Blood on TP

14-02-13, 13:27
Hi everyone,

This might take some explaining so please bear with me.

I'm a 22 year old male in good general health. Hardly ever get sick etc.

When I was younger I can remember having occasional episodes of blood on the tissue paper after wiping. When I told my parents it had happened a few times I was taken to the docs. He asked me some questions and just felt my stomach and pelvis area. As it was such a long time ago I can't remember the diagnosis but if I were to be pushed for an answer I would say I think it was a fissure.

I don't remember anyone being worried and neither was I. From then on, maybe it was on the advice of the doctor, I would bunch up the toilet paper, run it under the tap before giving it a little squeeze and using it to wipe. Repeating that until all was clean and then drying up with a dry wipe or two.

From what I remember the bleeding issue remained throughout my childhood and adolescence but it was pretty occasional and I wasn't worried.

Now a year and a half ago I started to develop OCD. And for some reason started to neglect wetting the tissue. I think the OCD has led to excessive wiping. and the dry tissue has started to irritate. Since then over the last year and a half the bleeding has become commonplace.

I've gone back to wetting the tissue and have noticed improvements. However, yesterday I seemed to get a little complacent. Usually I need to pat the area, if I start to apply anything but very light pressure while using a wiping motion it will quickly start to bleed.

That exact thing happened yesterday. I used moderate pressure with the wetted tissue and on the drying wipes I noticed a few splotches of bright red blood. Definitely more than usual but I don't think more than I've ever had.

My real question is: am I in danger of septicemia/sepsis? I've done some research and it seems utterly terrifying. Whenever there is blood I immediately jump in the shower after wiping and use the shower-head to make sure I'm extra clean in that area.

My thoughts are that this has probably happened to me a few hundred times over the course of my lifetime and it hasn't made me sick at all. Much less develop septicemia. I guess I'm curious if anyone knows why this is? And also, hemorrhoids are very common as is blood in that area for various reasons. So if bleeding in that area was such a risk factor septicemia would be much more common yes?

After bleeding I usually seem to feel a bit warm, stomach is a bit crampy and I feel a little weak and drained. This goes away after a while and sometimes it doesn't happen at all. It seems the more blood and/or the more I worry about it I'll get those symptoms as described above.

Based on what I've said what opinions do you guys have to share.

My gratitude in advance to anyone who replies.


14-02-13, 18:15
It does sound like a fissure. Moist toilet tissues that you can buy in the supermarket are good to use as they are a little stronger than wetting the toilet paper. No you are not at risk of septicemia. I have had the same problem for a few years.

04-03-13, 11:21
Bump. Curious to hear more opinions.