View Full Version : Have a tingling cooling sensation in back of my head

14-02-13, 14:11
I have been to the doctor so much lately. Always the same answers. You are young and no family history blah blah blah you're fine. Now i have a tingling weird sensation in the back of my head. Its hard to describe. Its like not painful but almost like a cooling of my brain like a fan hitting the back of my head or something. Well i googled it and surprise surprise most answers anged from simoke stress/anxiety to parasites and nerve/tissue damage. Why google? Why? Any symptoms i have ever been concerned about always have a wide range of causes. Now i have a tightness on my left side again. I have already been to the ER for this and they said its not a heart attack and then sent me on my merry way. My doctor thinks its indegestion or anxiety. I think its angina. I think i am not getting enough oxygen to my heart. But when every doctor says otherwise then does tht make me crazy or them idiots? Im not sure which i would prefer honestly. If im crazy then atleast im healthy and not dying so thats a good thing.but would suck and be embarrassing for me. However if they are wrong then i was right and im a genius but im going to be a dead genuis. So would u rather be alive and mentally unhealthy or dead and completely right this whole time? Has anyone else had this feeling in there head and had it checked out? Please dont tell me it turned out to be ms or something else bad. Please.

14-02-13, 14:55
Hi Ruthy,

Trust me its most likely anxiety. I have been to the ER twice the last year and called ambulance a few times thinking i was having a heart attack. I get tingling and numbness in my arms and face/head/jaw every single day now for months. I get severe left side chest pain and a huge HEART THUD painful (extreme pain) when shoveling snow. I also have severe SOB and yawn none stop about 400-500 times a day.

I am a real mess and i have been to MRIs, EKGS, Stress Tests, xRays, blood tests, ultra sounds - everytime it comes back clean.

Its getting to the point i have to DOCTOR SHOP so i can get more tests done.

When will it end i do not know - but the heart disease is a terrible one - I feel my heart beat all the time and all kinds of shock , electric vibrations all through my body.

I sometimes worry about ALS/MS/ Almost all mental illnesses and all kinds of things.

The only think i do not worry about is ANXIETY and that is most likely what i have - just plain ole anxiety.

However in my case I think its developed into Somatoform Disorder with delussional tendencies, but then again its just another thing i worry about.. no doctor has ever diagnosed me with anything..

All they say and all of them - dozens -- anxiety yet i continue to seek other answers

14-02-13, 15:40
Its so crazy and scary to feel like you are having a heart attack or stroke and you are not. You dont know when it could be real. What if the next time its the real thing and i do nothing. Its so taboo in my community and among my friends to take anti depressants or anti anxiety meds. Its like a show of weakness, but screw it. I would rather be healthy and nothing else seems to be working.