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View Full Version : Worried about my son :(

14-02-13, 17:31
I'm really worrying about my son at the moment, I'm trying really hard not to pass my HA of onto him and he's only 8 but I'm really struggling to not blow things out of proportion.

He started off being unwell last Saturday, generally lethargic, was sick once, temperature etc then Sunday he seemed fine and I went down with the most awful flu/vomitting bug and have been feeling pretty lousy until today but now I actually feel like I'm on the mend whereas he was ok Sunday but since Monday has just not been his normal self.

I kept him off school Monday and tuesday as he had diarrohea and a cold and cough but he desperately wanted to go yesterday and the diarrohea had stopped so I let him but he came home last night and was just so lethargic, he is on holiday today and tommorrow and today he has been lethargic and the diarrohea is back, his cold seems better but he's barely eaten for the last few days and it's not like him at al.

I'm trying to reason it out with the fact that I've had the bug and Monday and Tuesday couldn't move off the sofa I was so bad and didn't eat but his just seems to be lingering on and I'm starting to fret.

He had a blood test a few weeks ago for something unrelated and his full blood count was completely normal but I'm still worried

Does this just sound like the normal bugs doing the rounds?

14-02-13, 18:14
Sounds exactly like a normal bug - lots of fluids, Calpol and any food he fancies and he should be fine. Typically it takes about a week to get over something like this, and if he is wanting to be at school etc he is probably not feeling too horrible in himself. It is normal to be lethargic as your body uses energy stores to fight off infection. Try to relax, if it was serious he would be much worse by now, but call NHS 24 if you are still worried x

14-02-13, 19:25
Thank you sometimes you just need to hear it from someone else :)

14-02-13, 21:39
Yeah, it definitely sounds like a bug. My friends 6 year old grandson had something very similar a few weeks ago. He felt pretty rubbish for a few days and wasn't eating, but he's totally fine now.