View Full Version : Is not stomach flu

14-02-13, 19:45
So I have c diff which is a very serious bacteria-I knew it wasn't the flu. On antibotics now though it can be hard to rus of. Praying my baby doesn't get it

14-02-13, 19:54
can't that be caused by certain antibiotics too due to changing the bacteria levels in your tummy.
Aw well it's good you know now what is wrong : )
I would get lots of probiotics and live yogurts to get the healthy bacteria back in your gut.

14-02-13, 20:49
It can but I haven't been on any for 11 mo. I assume I picked it up from someone

15-02-13, 01:15
Aw sucks you can catch it too from people.
Hope you get better soon :)

15-02-13, 03:10
My son had c. diff after a course of antibiotics, it's nasty. I hope you start feeling better soon. He took the antibiotics for it but also loaded up on probiotics too, which is a good idea as it can help stop the c.diff from coming back.

15-02-13, 04:45
I know alittle about c-diff as my 18 yr old daughter had it after taken antibiotics it was really bad for her..i know she had to take meds for it for awhile...hope u feel better soon

15-02-13, 06:15
Thanks guys-started meds today and probiotics. I was on anti d given to me the first time I went to Er and read it can cause your colon to explode- thankfully I stopped taking them. Hoping I recover without issues as ive read horror stories. :(

13-12-14, 15:27
Hi did u get better fast?