View Full Version : Bleeding during sex

14-02-13, 19:56
Hi i am freaking out right now. Last night me and my fiance were having sex and i noticed some blood not loads just a bit. But i'm now worried because i'm not due my period for 10 days. As you can probably tell i'm like omg i have cervical cancer and thinking the worst. My head is all over the place. I'm going to my doctor tomorrow. Think i need to go on medication

14-02-13, 21:49
Could you have a cervical erosion? X

14-02-13, 22:43
Hi yes I can relate to this, I had tiny bits years ago and it was fine, probably just scratched/rubbed the lining as very sensitive.Then 12 months ago had quite a bit, as you can imagine I was imagining the worse.I saw my female GP who examined me and said everything looked fine, and decided to do my smear.

After she took my smear I bled again, this as never happened so by now I was freaking out, she explained it could be a lot of things but I was convinced the worst in my mind.The next day I received an appointment to have a colonoscopy to look at my cervix to examine the cells, this freaked me out the worst I convinced myself something major was wrong as I'd received a appointment within 24 hrs! In the end my cervix was totally fine, the gynaecologist even before examining me said he honestly thought nothing sinister, and after the examination found a tiny skin tag (polyp) actually right in my cervix, so I'd really wouldn't worry.Just monitor if it happens again, and if so see your gp.:)
Angela x

miss diagnosis
15-02-13, 13:46

I had this on and off for a while too. Turns out it was a little cut inside that kept tearing during sex. Some tea tree oil in a bath helped sort it out.
Dont worry its very common.