View Full Version : Planning ahead

14-02-13, 22:24
Does anyone have extreme difficulty planning ahead even if its just the simplest of things ?i mean i never make plans because i don't know how i'm going to be tomorrow for instance...

14-02-13, 22:36
I can relate to this, I completely convinced myself November/December last year, that Christmas was my last one.. but felt alot better other the Christmas period, no negative thoughts at all!

Unfortunately said thoughts are now back! :huh:

15-02-13, 03:11
I'm like that too. I hate planning for stuff in the future as I worry I'll die soon and won't be there for it.

15-02-13, 13:17
I have booked a few concerts etc when i was feeling ok and i am supposed to be seeing Rocky horror show a week tomorrw but i cant go. I hate it.

15-02-13, 13:29
I remember booking our holiday to Tunisia last year - there was no excitement or enjoyment in doing it because I was convinced I would either be immobile or dead before that date :ohmy:! Funnily enough when the actual holiday came around I had the best time ever and all thoughts of death and anxiety disappeared. That was a huge turning point for me. I learnt that anxiety can play with your mind and convince you of anything if you let it. I have a different outlook now but I understand how you all feel - it's not an easy 'hole' to get out of. xx