View Full Version : my family

14-02-13, 23:28
I feel I'm not getting any support from my family because they dont undrstand where I'm coming from eg: depression, not being religious like they are.

15-02-13, 00:15
Depression can be a hard subject for people to breach, particularly if they don't really understand it. Have you tried to open up to them? Even if its just a little it may help get them talking/understanding. I've found that unfortunately most people will not ask how your getting on if they know your depressed for whatever reason, but if you open up a little they will take that as a signal that it is ok to talk about it.

If you can't get any support from your family maybe it would be worth seeing your gp about a referral to a counsellor?

15-02-13, 09:46
I hope you get support here. All the best.


15-02-13, 09:47
i agree with katy...depression/anx/panic any thing to do with mental health people dont want to or find it hard to talk about.
also they dont understand it... how can they ...it is so difficult to explain thats why people say "pull yoursefl together" "get a grip" etc...
they dont realise how much that hurts and dont they think that if we could we would do it,
that is why here is so good because people understand and they will help and encourage you.
i wish society was more accepting about things like this but it isnt.

Veronica H
22-02-13, 07:53
:welcome:to NMP. Glad that you have found us. xV

22-02-13, 18:28
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.