View Full Version : going insane about pee

15-02-13, 00:21
I know this might sound funny to some but I am going totally crazy over peeing. I am 38 m in pretty good shape. For like a week it has felt like I have to go even after I am done. It has gotten better some... not as bad but it is still in my head! I think I have some horrible internal problem. It could be a urinary tract infection I guess. Took a utility home test an came up with trace leukocyte. Which I have read is okay... Googling ugggggg. Can't calm down

15-02-13, 00:56
You could see your own doctor.
For now drink extra water to help clean everything :)
It might be in your head too, I often find I never feel finished after I pee, if you wait long enough you can often pass smaller amount of urine, but I don't think that's good and can add to the sensation of not being done.

If you're still having issues you can get your doctor to send of the urine to a lab for a good testing. At least it would be reassuring :)
I had mine sent away after having UTI symptoms but no signs of infection. The lab test was clear too .

15-02-13, 12:00

You posted this in the chat room forum so I will move it

15-02-13, 12:08
I have experienced this several times.

It is either pure anxiety a urinary tract infection or it could be that if you had NSU even twenty years ago it can reoccur.
Either way I wouldn't worry about it too much and in the worst case scenario you may need a course of anti biotics.

31-03-13, 16:02
Thanks everyone ... here is an update... went to doc did a urine test it was clear did a prostate check it was good... now been on antibiotics for 7 days and still have symptoms ... ????? Kinda making me wonder if I really am just thinking about this all way too much!

31-03-13, 17:24

even if you have had a course of anti biotics it can still take up to two weeks to get any infection out of your body so keep drinking plenty of water but avoid coffee. It might also be the thought of wanting to pee is for the moment a fixation in your head.

31-03-13, 17:44
Thanx Ricardo... really thank you! I will continue the meds. Definitely a fixation for certain. Just really anxious for my follow up appointment too. This basically all I have thought about for the last couple months... I also have ibs and its not helping things with that either

26-10-14, 13:58
Well its been over a year and everything went away till about a week ago. For some reason I started focusing on my urinary habits and the sensation to go is back. I don't wake to go or go too often I don't think but I still have that funny feeling. Can't get it out of my head. Can just focusing on it cause it? Anyone ever dealt with this?

11-10-15, 23:26
Well it's been about another year. This sensation went away last year in November then came back in April went away again and now it's back again. It comes and goes and I just obsess obsess obsess obsess over it. I'm constantly focused on my bladder and can't stop. Last time I went to the doc and mentioned it and described my symptoms I was basically told no worries. Was having some test done for unrelated problems over summer. Had Mri of lower abdomen blood tests etc. and all checked out ok. It's been about two yrs since prostate exam I'm 40 now btw. Doc says my bladder looked fine during Mri. I'm stumped! Hoping it's all in my head as I constantly monitor my bladder. Don't really wake up no trouble starting stopping but I have this sensation and I'm worried. It just comes and goes. Only problem I seem to have is a hemmoroid and some ibs. Replies are appreciated

12-10-15, 00:07
I go to the loo all the time - I always feel like my bladder is never completely empty. I can go to the toilet downstairs, and by the time I have walked upstairs I need it again. Doc says I have a weak bladder and that is all x

12-10-15, 03:46
I'm totally the same by bladder hasn't bee the same since I had a bladder infection last year some days I'm fine some days I'm fine some days I need to go all the time.its frustrating especially wen your out.