View Full Version : Nervous all day for no reason

15-02-13, 03:03
The past few weeks have been pretty good for me. But today, I feel nervous for no reason whatsoever. It's the type of nerves that you feel, say, before a job interview. That butterflies in the stomach feeling.
Does anyone have this?
There is absolutely nothing today that I should be nervous about. It's just a normal Friday.

15-02-13, 03:08
I get that too. If I have nothing to worry about it's like my brain is looking for something to worry about and if it can't find anything worries anyway. It's horrible and means that I very rarely get a day off from worrying.

15-02-13, 03:14
I am so nervous, I wish I had my diazepam with me, but it's at home. It's like I am plucking up the courage to ask a girl out it's that bad.

15-02-13, 11:04
Some days I feel like I am preparing for a major operation it gets so bad. I just have to remind myself that tomorrow is another day.

15-02-13, 11:35
I get this too. I sometimes get the feeling something is going to happen and it can make me nervous for an entire day. Nothing ever has happened and more often than not it's my frame of mind on that particular day causing me to feel that way. xx

15-02-13, 11:40
Fortunately a few glasses of sav blanc have calmed the nerves and 5mg of diazepam. Was weird. I guess i am a bit nervous about cricket tomorrow and putting pressure on myself to make runs, but I shouldn't have been nervous just for that.
Guess i will chalk it down to experience.

15-02-13, 12:24
I think sometimes we can subconciously worry about something without realising..... if that makes sense! I've felt a bit uneasy these past few days and I haven't been able to figure out why. If I'm honest about it, I have a few things on my 'subconcious' mind that I'm trying to shut out :wacko:. I guess they're bugging me more than I'm letting on. Glad you feel better! xx