View Full Version : Can not... sleep... anymore!

15-02-13, 05:30
I'm really worried that I will develop something serious from not sleeping at all.. I just CANNOT sleep at night anymore. :unsure:

It's 5:27 AM here and I'm NOT tired at all! Ugh.... This is what is frustrating though, I'm all active and energetic at night, but feel really lousy during the day because I didn't sleep during the night.

I have a medical condition which literally stopped me from sleeping at night for a while, but since I'm on medication for it now, it hasn't been that bad and I'm able to sleep a little better. Thing is, it's thrown my sleeping pattern right off the hook and now it's all messed up.

I'm really scared I will die or something since I can't sleep barely anymore.

Can someone be kind enough to offer some advice or reassure me that I'm being stupid and I won't die or develop some heart issues or something? :blink:


15-02-13, 06:24
Have you asked your GP about sleeping tablets just for a bit to try and get you back into a routine?

17-02-13, 05:48
Hi Arnie! :)

I've been sleeping a little better since but my routine still kinda sucks. I'm in bed by 6:00 PM and out of bed by 5:00 AM. I'm back at the doctors in three weeks time so I will discuss it then.

17-02-13, 06:10
I was like this when they first put me on Sertraline. I hardly slept at all for a few weeks as one of the side effects of the medication. I was really worried about it and wondered what on earth would happen if I didn't get some proper sleep. It caused me no real problems apart from my anxiety through worrying about it. My sleep pattern did improve gradually after a few weeks. You can survive without sleep - I saw this programme once on a severe insomniac who never slept at all. It didn't kill him and he was really pleased when they tested him and found he did actually fall asleep for around 30 seconds or so each night!

Tyke :)