View Full Version : Bright spot in vision when blinking

15-02-13, 09:35
I've had this on and off for about 2-3 years but it is still really worrying me.

I'll describe it as best as I can in the hope that someone else understands, as I have been to 2 opticians and they say its nothing but am still so worried.

Basically, all of a sudden at any time of day I will realise something is not quite right with vision then if I blink at a computer or tv screen or at the sky I will notice a small bright silver blob somewhere in my vision(just like when a camera is flashed in your eye) in one eye or the other but not usually in the same eye at the same time (although yesterday I had it several times during the day and in the same eyes at the same time!!). It will last from a few seconds to up to 10 mins (usually 1-2 mins) and then gradually fade to nothing.

Its not the same as migraine with aura as I have experienced that during both of my pregnancies and a few times since. When I get those I will loose parts of my vision in both eyes, then the classic zig-zig comes along will move acros my vision and I will usually then get a headache but I dont get a headache with this. Its also not the same as the tiny sparkly dots you get when looking at a bright sky (I cant remember the name of this) as I get that too!!

I am really hoping someone understands what I am talking about! My husband says its dehydration (I should drink much more than I do during the day I must admit) but I cant find any info on this online.

Daisy Sue
15-02-13, 10:18
hi Ruby... I know you've almost ruled migraine out, but it is possible that these light spots are just another side to your migraines.. if ever I get the visual kind of migraine, it's like a bright spotlight is shining just above my head, and the pain is bad.. my Mum gets the zigzags but with no pain... everyone gets it different, and one person can get different forms..

I just found this on Wiki - thought it might be of interest to you..

"It is important to keep in mind that there exist many clinical sub-forms of migraine where headache may be absent and where the migraine aura may not take the typical form of the zigzagged fortification spectrum, but manifests with a large variety of focal neurological symptoms."

15-02-13, 17:10
Hi I know exactly what your experiencing , I have the same as you stated.
It's been like this for a few years , and like you I've had optic migraines and its not like that , I have found (and this is difficult ) if I ignore it it doesn't last to long , it like optic migraines and my other vision symptoms down to anxiety ,
Loosing my fear of the symptoms is the key .

17-02-13, 16:31
Thanks for your replies.

I have tried to think less about it and reduce my anxiety but its hard going.

The visual problems were worse yesterday and today so I popped along to an opticians. The optician did a thorough eye examination and couldn't find anything but she said to me 'dont ignore the symptoms and see your gp' so now of course I am really worrying:unsure:

help me 21
20-02-13, 20:01
Hi I also get it. Its anxiety must be, I get little tiny sparkle shiney dots. Also black dots and blurred vision! It comes and gos the bright sparkle dots like glitter.

22-02-13, 09:20
Well I went to the gp on Monday and he said it sounded like migraine with aura to him and prescribed me some tablets.

TBH I am not good at taking meds as they always make my ibs worse and when I looked at the side-effects OMG one even said possible coma!

Anyhow I am still getting the funny vision so am going back to see a different gp later today.

26-02-13, 00:25
I get those too! It's silvery blobs. I was watching a presentation on a projection screen today and they were so intense! It was like a camera flash but not right in the middle, it's orbs in different parts of my vision.

I've never had migraine or been diagnosed with it, but I have all kinds of visual symptoms that I've just assumed are anxiety.

27-02-13, 10:21
Thanks xvolatileheart- My 'silvery blobs' are almost in the middle of my vision but I do have the odd few here and there.

Mine seem to get worse (or more obvious) whilst I'm walking the dog, exercising, watching the tv or looking at the computer.

These things never really used to set it off before. I've been getting it on and off every day for the last 3 week and its really getting me down and worrying me now and I cant concentrate on anything else and I feel riddled with anxiety:unsure:

My GP said she would refer me to see an opthamologist who works closely with the local hospital. I've been so anxious and couldn't wait for the referral to go through so went and saw the opthamologist on Monday, he was lovely (had been an opthamologist for over 40 years) and did a thorough examination and put drops in my eyes so he could see right into the back and all around inside my eye. He said my eyes were fine and put it down to a kind of eye phenomenon. But it hasn't put my mind at rest I just want it to go away.

I've booked an appointment to see my gp again on Saturday!

11-08-14, 15:45
bumping an old thread but I'm 19 and experiencing this, any change in yours?

21-08-14, 11:23
Hi I get this a lot it use to and me into a right panic I now sit down and massage the tops of my big toe first one then the other or even both and watch the bright spark go it really does work I read it on reflexology try it xxx

---------- Post added at 11:23 ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 ----------

Aye let me no if any of you do try it would like to hear if its worked for you thanks guys x

19-08-15, 17:11
I know this is an old thread - but I also have EXACTLY this problem. A bright silver white spot in my vision - like a blind spot that flashes when I blink. It's like I've looked at a camera flash - but it isn't that because I get them in the dark too, for no reason I can see. More obvious looking at the sky or a white background. They last a few minutes - up to ten mins once. It's a bit like a migraine aura but unlike a migraine aura it's just in one eye. I too have had my eyes checked and they are healthy but this has been happening on and off for 5 years now. It bothers me sometimes because no one seems to have an answer for what it is.

Does anyone know?

Claire x

10-02-16, 18:26
I have this too. It causes me to panic.

11-02-16, 01:05
I've had this on and off for about 2-3 years but it is still really worrying me.

I'll describe it as best as I can in the hope that someone else understands, as I have been to 2 opticians and they say its nothing but am still so worried.

Basically, all of a sudden at any time of day I will realise something is not quite right with vision then if I blink at a computer or tv screen or at the sky I will notice a small bright silver blob somewhere in my vision(just like when a camera is flashed in your eye) in one eye or the other but not usually in the same eye at the same time (although yesterday I had it several times during the day and in the same eyes at the same time!!). It will last from a few seconds to up to 10 mins (usually 1-2 mins) and then gradually fade to nothing.

Its not the same as migraine with aura as I have experienced that during both of my pregnancies and a few times since. When I get those I will loose parts of my vision in both eyes, then the classic zig-zig comes along will move acros my vision and I will usually then get a headache but I dont get a headache with this. Its also not the same as the tiny sparkly dots you get when looking at a bright sky (I cant remember the name of this) as I get that too!!

I am really hoping someone understands what I am talking about! My husband says its dehydration (I should drink much more than I do during the day I must admit) but I cant find any info on this online.

I get everything you are talking about. Have had it all for about ten years. Doctor gave me the highest dose of vitamin B 2 and it has helped a lot but when I am tired I get it a lot.. So I try to sleep more the next night.. and try to rest and usually try to stay off the computer. Everything you are talking about I can identify with and have. Not sure what shape my eyes are in but I am pre diabetic and also have migraines but need to go to the eye doctor.. there my fear of doctors comes in and as bad as I need to go to an eye doctor I get scared and don't go.

I figure at some point I am just going to go blind.. but then again I think of people that lived during other centuries that really had no eye doctors but just wore reading glasses made it until there 80's and most did not go blind although they couldn't see well most were ok.. Try not to worry and take care