View Full Version : Weird question but................

Silly Blonde
06-09-06, 15:22
........... what does your anxiety voice look like????

I told my hypnotherapist that it was like I have two voices in my head - a real nasty bully one that is really big, black and spikey that says "of course its cancer - go to the doctors QUICK, you're going to die!" and then my other really fluffy weak voice is pale blue, bit like a cotton wool ball, which is so quiet I can't hear it!!

Before you think I've lost the plot completely, she has told me to imagine injecting the nasty voice with something horrid - ie cancer!! Then imagine it shrivelling and dying, and when it gets really tiny, stamp on it, crush it, put it in a matchbox and bury it!!!

I think it kind of works with me (much more so than the CBT thought challenging thing!) - I was just interested to see if anyone else could describe their anxiety demon if asked!!

Thanks again

SB xx

PS Maybe we should have a virtual bonfire for all our shrivelled demons!!!!!!

06-09-06, 15:33
Mine is dark red and pulsates like a boil.

My other voice is like a small child trying to be heard, but i ignore it so frequesntly, it just gives up on bothering!

Hay x

07-09-06, 15:15
mines black with evil eyes

my other one is a feather thats so light it floats away and no one hears it


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

07-09-06, 15:23
i call mine the monster who is trying to beat me down like the devil........then i kick its arse lol.......i try sometimes he can be quite strong tho but i tell myself im stronger and knock him out.......best to ya.......Linda[8D]

07-09-06, 21:44
When i saw a hypnotherapist my anxiety looked like a horrible black and red vortex that was turning anti-clockwise! We then turned it geen and orange (nicer colours) and made it turn in the other direction!

One visualision i've made up for myself to deal with obtrusive thoughts is as follows!

When I'm being ovewhelmed by intrusive thoughts is to imagine myself in a really intrusively bright, with stark white walls room lit by strip lights. Then I take contol by turning the light off to create a more relaxing atmosphere and see the natural calmer sunlight comming through a half opened blind with a pot plant next to th window as I find growing plants relaxing. The walls in the room has changed fro stark white into a relaxing green.

When the room has changed from blindingly lit to a calmer environment I then walk out of the room and lock the door. I imagine leaving the thought behind in the now 'neutralised' room, hence neutralising the thought itself.

When I lock the door I hear (with my inner ear) the locking sound effect used on The Smiths' song 'Rushholme Ruffians' and turn away from the door and the thought locked away inside it!

Kinda weird but it works for me!


08-09-06, 10:43
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">........... what does your anxiety voice look like????

I told my hypnotherapist that it was like I have two voices in my head - a real nasty bully one that is really big, black and spikey that says "of course its cancer - go to the doctors QUICK, you're going to die!" and then my other really fluffy weak voice is pale blue, bit like a cotton wool ball, which is so quiet I can't hear it!!

</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

mine is too like this. It's like a dark, powerful force, much stronger than my "sensible" voice. It's so strong that my sensible voice cannot be heard and gets trodden on. I have images of a devil and an angel.

This dark powerful side also brings back the sad memories of my dad's death :(. I hate it for being so strong within me.

08-09-06, 15:03
I love this thought!!

My (bad) one is like the Honors Degree graduate who says things to my weaker one like 'what would you know - I am smarter and more clever than you' Its like it does not matter how rational my true self tries to be this smart ass, intellectual graduate knows best and if he says its bad then its bad.

I guess I need to go back to college!!!!!

08-09-06, 16:54
Mine is like a big black cloud above me that follows me around, darkens my day and weighs me down.
Maybe i should try and imagine a big bright happy sun with a positive smiley face appear through it and rise above it..... Might try that :D

Take care xx