View Full Version : sick of coincidences

15-02-13, 16:35
Just because Im worried sick about lung cancer every fictional book I pick up seems to have someone dying of it. The book I started today has TWO so I've had to put it away! Also every time I get in the car I hear Keisha singing about 'dying young'. Does nothing to help my fears, just makes me think someones trying to tell me something.

Going mad :mad:

15-02-13, 16:38
A few months ago I was on way to a and e with chest pain and that olly murs song came on radio, the one about giving him a heart attack.

So hard not to think that everything is an omen xx

15-02-13, 16:41
It is really hard not to. My partner thinks Im being ridiculous! Still want a ct scan done but I dont think Im going to get one. Everyone says I should be happy with clear xray and bloods and leave it alone. Just wish I could think like everyone else!

15-02-13, 16:46
I am the same, I always think its a sign when I read or hear about anyone dying. We probably don't notice when we feel better.

15-02-13, 16:49
Id just LOVE to feel better. Its been 6 weeks now

15-02-13, 17:55
A few months ago I was on way to a and e with chest pain and that olly murs song came on radio, the one about giving him a heart attack.

So hard not to think that everything is an omen xx
i have to turn the radio off if i hear that song,i can't bear to hear those words:huh:

15-02-13, 18:45
Id just LOVE to feel better. Its been 6 weeks now

You might not believe me, but you will feel better Andrea. When you have HA it can be extremely hard to be convinced you are not dying from some illness. I find it very difficult to believe my GP, but I do agree tests are not the answer. All that happens is that you have one test , are reassured for 5 minutes, then are looking for the next test.
I am inclined to think that if you had a CT scan then you would probably request a full body MRI ( this is how I react ) and it just feeds the anxiety to be honest.
A chest X Ray is the way lung cancer is spotted and yours was clear. :)

15-02-13, 18:55
I know Im like a broken record but they DO get missed.

15-02-13, 19:15
You sound just like me Andrea, I went for a brain MRI last September, it came back clear, I was not convinced and then told the GP because I had one without contrast dye it must have been missed. GP refused to refer me for another scan, so then I asked for a CT scan of head, again GP refused, then it was MRI of face and neck, still refused. At the time I was angry and my anxiety was almost off the scale, but the GP knew that having those tests would not convince me and he was right as a week later I had started on another lot of symptoms and was convinced I had stomach and throat cancer.
I know what you are going through and I know I can't reassure you, same as nobody can me when I am stuck in a HA cycle. xx

15-02-13, 19:58
Its just gone on too long now. Ended up ri.gong NHS direct again today. They said I should be reassured by test results but to go back to gp if no better

15-02-13, 20:35

I know what you mean about the coincidences. Cancer is literally EVERYWHERE!! I'll have a brief period of not thinking about it so much and then an advert, article, horror story pops up and I go back to the anxiety. I've even started to read unrelated words as 'cancer' 'bowels' 'tumor' 'death' etc! I read cancel as cancer the other day which caught me off guard and made me feel anxious all over! Oh dear.

15-02-13, 20:40
We are seriously mently disturbed!

15-02-13, 20:44
I think when we are sensitized we seem to pick up on the negative far more than usual..bad news seems to jump out at us and cling on.

15-02-13, 21:46
I am the same- I see everything as a sign of cancer. I had to stop buying magazines which I had previously enjoyed reading because of the cancer stories in them and try to avoid health sections in newspapers for the same reason. I stopped watching a soap I had enjoyed for 20-odd years when I heard one of the characters was going to have a cancer storyline. That new Macmillan tv ad nearly had me on my knees when I first saw it.

To be honest, trying to avoid cancer stories and mentions hasn't made my cancer anxiety improve, but then that is probably down to my appalling Google habit of looking up illnesses. My HA isn't constant and some days are better than others, I don't know how I would cope if it were 24/7

Good luck to everyone on this thread and particularly the original poster Andrea xx

15-02-13, 22:03
Thank you sarahsarah x