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15-02-13, 17:17
Hi I'm a 33 year old mum if 2 boys one has autisim he is 4 and my youngest is 2 both boys, I have suffered with anxiety before and comes and goes over the years I am currently having a lot of anxiety after a big panic attack just came out the blue a few weeks ago, I am now struggling to cope with simple tasks I was doing a few weeks ago like taking/picking my son up from school shopping and being on my own at night as husbands works nights, I don't have anyone to talk to as I don't think they will understand I know my fears are irrational but that does not stop them being there and getting into panic mode I just want it to go so I can enjoy my children life and continue to deal with all the thinks I need to with regards to my autistic son, everything just feels overwhelming at the momment, would be nice to speak to other people who are experiencing the same problems at the moment for advice support or just a chat xx

15-02-13, 17:23
:welcome: hi I suffer from anxiety/panic attacks and agoraphobia..I'm new on here too :)

15-02-13, 17:25
Hi nice to hear from you, how old are you? How long have u felt this way? And what do u do to cope? It's so hard and takes over you straight away

15-02-13, 17:27
Hi Asil79

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

15-02-13, 17:57
I'm 31..I've suffered for 9years I haven't actually coped very well,I turned to alcohol to relieve the symptoms resulting in my kids bein taken off me,I'm only 6 months sober and hardly leave the house,I'm on medication at the moment and waiting for c.b.t..it's horrible living like this! :weep:

15-02-13, 17:59
Welcome to the site. I hope you find as much help as I have. I wish you all the best.


15-02-13, 18:01
hi there, i understand how you must be feeling

15-02-13, 18:05
Anxiety ext has ruined my life,I turned alcoholic cos of it and my kids taken..and after all that,the anxiety is still here!

15-02-13, 18:06
Impulse81 I feel for you it's so hard and I am scared that I will get so bad I won't be able to look after my children eg get them to school doing just day to day, I really panic when in walking to or from the school and get worse the nearer home I get! Which makes no sense as I'm desperate to get home! I've had anxiety over the years and always comes out with different phobias every time

Hi manwithnoname nice to hear from you also

15-02-13, 18:09
hi impulse81, i completely understand what anxiety can do to you as i have suffered from anxiety and depression on and off for 30 years now but i think i am finally recovering with the help of time and medication

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hi asil79, pleased to meet you too. Most of my anxiety comes from experiences at home when i was younger and later at university and then work, it has been just awful sometimes but i feel i am slowly coming out of it

15-02-13, 18:10
I got so bad I couldn't leave the house,I'm agoraphobia now but at least I'm sober..I hope you never end up like me,I'm left with nothing..oh apart from the anxiety of course! Lol

15-02-13, 18:13
Hi I'm glad that you can see aight at the end if the tunnel, I seem to be able to suppress the anxiety for a while then it comes out full pelt now and again where it takes me over and it's all I can think about, I don't know what started mine but it 1st happend about 13 yrs ago out if nowhere

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I hope you get the help you need ASAP and hope u can help you by chatting in any way

15-02-13, 18:18
one trick i have found that helps me with anxiety sometimes is to say to yourself "I am calm" while breathing in slowly, then "at ease" while breathing out slowly then "and" while breathing in slowly again then "relaxed" while breathing out slowly again - why don't you try it now it might help :)

---------- Post added at 18:18 ---------- Previous post was at 18:16 ----------

i know exactly what you mean asil79 - anxiety can be such a debilitating condition and make your life utter hell so i really do understand what you are going through

15-02-13, 18:21
I am really trying to carry on as usual and not give in and stop doing thanks because I am scared but it's so hard, walking bk from the school with 2 young boys depending on me getting them home and I'm in a state of panic and then panicking more incase I pass out and they are on there own in the street that really scares me

15-02-13, 18:27
yes that is a very difficult experience but sometimes i find it helps if you concentrate of one tiny little thing at a time like just holding your children's hands and thinking "you are safe" - don't know if that makes sense

15-02-13, 18:43
Hi manwithnoname..I'm on medication also,and waiting for c.b.t,I'm facing facts that this is a condition that you have to learn to live with,I'm sure now I'm sober I can fight it x

15-02-13, 18:45
I will def give it a go, I do try and think positive thoughts but sometimes the panic takes over and I can't think straight then I get agitated and aggravated and I snapped at my 4 yr old which I feel so bad about but while I was panicking he was talking non stop and I could not cope! I don't want to feel or be like that, I was thinking of starting councellung

15-02-13, 18:46
i take 150mg sertraline once a day and 1mg respiridone twice a day, i did try CBT for 5-6 sessions but i didn't find the therapist very understanding, i needed to talk about my brother and my dad and what they did to me in the past but the therapist told i was wasting his time talking about them - i was shocked when he said that - so rude

15-02-13, 18:48
I was even getting panic attacks in A.a meetings,I stopped going x

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I'm on sertraline 100mg 1 a day x

15-02-13, 18:49
asil79 do you know or suspect anything or any event that you think might be the root of the anxiety?

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asil79, that must have been so difficult for you especially with other people there at AA

15-02-13, 18:52
A79 have u tried medication?

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My problems started with post natal depression x

15-02-13, 18:53
sorry that last message was meant for impulse81

15-02-13, 18:55
That is rude and sounds total rubbish maybe try a new therapist

I'm really not sure what triggered the 1 st one but now I think I just have a phobia of a panic attack and worry abou them all the time but they have gone away in the past and then return yrs or months later for no reason I can think of, I try to focus on other tasks but its like the panic is fighting its way through

15-02-13, 18:55
post natal depression? do you remember any negative thoughts you were having at the time?

15-02-13, 18:57
No I don't really want to take medication I can't swallow tablets and I have a fear the medication could make me feel worse

15-02-13, 19:01
yes it was very rude and left me reeling with shock, i am a very sensitive person and easily hurt so this experience reaaly knocked me for six and left me feeling very hesistant about seeing anyone else for my anxiety

---------- Post added at 19:01 ---------- Previous post was at 18:57 ----------

asil79, i have a really easy way to take tablets that works for me, i take a glass of milk and hold some of it in my mouth i then push the tablet into my mouth without allowing the milk to come out and then swallow the milk - it works a treat

15-02-13, 19:16
I will maybe try that I'm such a baby about it, no infact I felt great during and after pregnancy well when I say great I mean no anxiety I was thinking it might be pmt related Hormonal maybe that might be making the anxiety worse

That's a Shame but all therapist can't be bad and maybe u will find the right one for you

15-02-13, 19:20
i am seeing a psychiatrist and i have another appointment to see him in just less than 2 months - my problems stem from school and the really nasty kids there that threatened me with harm both verbally and with gestures - it was truly terrifying

15-02-13, 19:29
That's awful I was picked on at school buy a group of girls and Hated school so as a result I suppose I have low self a steam cause of that but I'm happy in my life after school and now I have 2 lovely children a great husband friends so I can't understand these feelings, my husband is going to work now and I'm dreading the night on my own

15-02-13, 19:33
that must be difficult to be on your own I know how tht felt for me - i thought i was going mad and i seemed to be losing touch with reality but then i met my wife online and that saved me

15-02-13, 19:40
Ahh that's good I seem to be able to cope if I'm with my husband when he was off work we walked the kids to and from school together and I'm fine, went shopping and coped but on my own I fall apart it's all in my head I need to find a way to reprogramme my mind

15-02-13, 19:46
yes, its difficult. I think the key is to find some way of believing in yourself and that you can do it but that can be difficult

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i'm going offline now for a little bit nice chatting take care

15-02-13, 19:47
It's all in your mind and I suppose I need to find the way to work for me. I have been fine on my own for a year since he started working nights so why should it change now