View Full Version : I got help with my phobia and panic attacks

06-09-06, 18:11
Hello my name is Leah

I wanted to share my experience with others. I went on C4 TV show called 'Fear of Flying and was lucky enough to be treated by this wonderful man called Lawrence Leyton. He not only helped me with my fear of flying but also my severe panic attacks. I am 100% fine now after many years of suffering.
He used these amazing techniques – some of them a bit strange, I must admit, but they worked. If you want to know more contact me or go to his website. Look at the link that says fast phobia cure you can download free information.

06-09-06, 19:33
Wow that's super Leah!!:D

Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

06-09-06, 19:37
Leah I noticed you posted this a couple of other times hun - we are trying hard to cut down duplicate postings as it clogs up the site abit. I hope you don't mind but I have deleted the other 2. Also more people will reply if you keep it to the one thread and it keeps it all together. :D

Love Piglet x

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

06-09-06, 22:33
sorry about that...I'm not sure how to use the forum yet...its a bit confusing!!!

06-09-06, 22:35

Hi there

Which one were you as I watched it at the weekend so may remember you?


06-09-06, 22:38
They did not feature me as one of the main people so if you blink you would have missed me, but I wasn't in it to be on TV just to get rid of my fear.:D

06-09-06, 22:45
Oh well I may have caught a fleeting glimpse!

Lawrence has been mailing me at the moment so watch this space.

So it helped then? Are you free of panic now?


06-09-06, 22:46
Can I also ask how you found this website?


06-09-06, 22:50
I think it was another website link...I cant remember what that initial site was.

06-09-06, 22:59
Hi Leah :D

Its great to hear that you don't suffer pa's anymore. [^]:D

Hope you don't mind but may I ask some [?]

Did you just have fear off flying ? or where you having pa's all the time ? how long had you been suffering pa's. Dose is work with fear of panic and all the symptoms that come with it after the pa's, high anxiety.

Can you give the members some tips that he used ?

Happy that its work for you, :D



06-09-06, 23:09
yes it really did help not just for me but for just about all of the 40 people. Many are doing amazing things like skydiving or learning how to fly. Funny if you think about it as they have gone from one extreme to another!

06-09-06, 23:13
Hi Jill

Yes I had pa's. It was a mixture of techniques and he explained them really well so even the stuff that was weird like tapping on meridian points made sense to us.

12-09-06, 15:32
question leah1 or is it curly1? i not sure which one you go by these days!
Just going round on old forums and searching for info on this lawrence leyton thing and i just can escape you!! at first i thought i was coming back here over and over, but actually im going to emetphobia forums, social phobia forums and other anxiety/panic forums to find your post EVERYWHERE!!! are oyu on some commision? there something really weird going on and im not sure what, but i dont like it, if lawrence leyton's cure does work, your giving him a bad name proffesionaly. ppl are looking at this liek a scam as your advertising it everywhere and changing your story in the process.
I dont mean to sound mean, but people are sick of seeing your posts everywhere they turn! it looks scammy.

12-09-06, 15:54
No not on commision!!!!...just really inspired and want to tell the world...I'm not the only one, go to LL's forum and see for yourself how many people this guy has helped!

I just got a list on google of forums and wrote to them...isn't that what they are for!!!!

I want to help others...but all I get is a load of nonsense back....Sorry!!!

12-09-06, 15:59
i am on lawrence leytons forum and one thing its lacking is success stories from ppl who bought the software! i really do want to buy this software, but something just seems off!

12-09-06, 16:01
one thing i keep saying to myself is that if this guy was on tv, he cant scam, but one thing i can say is you dont find charles linden on every forum selling his method. i did at first think maybe you are just trying to tell everyone about something that worked, but you know how catious we all are.
didnt mean to offend btw.
Becci x

12-09-06, 16:01
always the negative...why don't you mention all the success stories from the show!!!!

12-09-06, 16:07
one on one is always differant! like hypnotherapists! a cd is differant to actual hypnotherapist clinic.
and yes, theres lots of success from the show, thats my point! a show and a download are differant. anyway! im not pulling down the software, i was just curious about the lots of forum posting. like stuart, he says he created the forum on the LL site for ppl to keep in touch, yet he was here looking for membes from the show, wasnt the idea of the forum to keep them intouch?!
my mind is all over at the minute! really is. i didnt want to stir up a big mess, but it looks as though i am!
The way i look at it is that Lawrence is a proffesional and his software has to be genuine as its linked from channel four and hes been on tv. But the forum posting you d made it look suspicious, although you were trying to do good, it made it look the opposite.
Becci x