View Full Version : E Cigarettes.

15-02-13, 18:50
Hi everyone.

I'm thinking of starting on these, just wondering if anyone has any personal experiences of them. Are they healthier? I'm so un fit and out of breath all the time, just thinking it might be worth ditching the cigs and getting an electric one instead?

15-02-13, 19:07
Hi I'm not a smoker never have been but my colleague who has smoked for fifty years is trying to give up and he uses these. The electronic cigarette looks similar to an ordinary one. You still inhale the nicotine but not the tar which causes damage to the lungs. The cigarettes give off water vapour. Nicotine is still a poison but it is a start to giving up. The benefits to health should be felt immediately. My colleague has emphysema and a bad cough which seems to be worse as he is trying to give up.I hope this helps a little. EJ The cigarette has a refillable cartridge.

15-02-13, 19:17
I've tried them and they seem pretty good to me. No-one really knows how safe they are as they haven't been through clinical trials yet but I guess it would be difficult to imagine that they're more harmful than cigs.

You could buy a disposable one and try it. They're around £5-6 and you can get them from chemists - I know my local Tesco pharmacy sells them.

Hope that helps


Daisy Sue
15-02-13, 23:35
Yep I'm on them currently... into my 7th month of not smoking cigarettes. They are amazing in many ways, they give you the hand to mouth habit you're so used to, the inhalation, and the nicotine hit.. plus you won't spend as much money on these as you do on normal tobacco products.

However, the only drawbacks I'm aware of are ones which need mentioning, I think... too much use, or too heavy inhalation, can give you a degree of indigestion, so it's best to pace yourself & not have it 'on the go' all the time... and watch the nicotine content of whichever product you choose. Some of the nicotine levels can be a lot higher than what you were taking in when smoking, and this can cause palpitations..

Currently I'm on very low nicotine cartridges, and will shortly be swapping to the zero nicotine ones.

There are loads of different brands available, Tesco sell one called 10 Motives, which is good, but it only comes in one nicotine strength. There are also various systems of electronic cigarettes - the two piece, which consists of a battery which you recharge, and the screw on cartridge; a one piece disposable, a 3 piece, where the vaporising bit is separate (& clogs up!), and then there are the cartridges which you refill yourself with the vaping liquid.

Personally I prefer the two piece... it's simple, quick, and non-messy.

16-02-13, 05:20
Hi Eliabeth Jane.
I have tried these once,bought for me from The State but I thought they were nicotine free.

16-02-13, 06:49
I use these. It all started several months ago when i got my dad some cause he has copd, and he stopped smoking with these. So i decided to give them a go as well.

I have currently stopped smoking for 49 days and have used these to help me quit. They do have some side effects though and you can join special forums which help you with these.

For me i had dry throat, ulcers in mouth and various other things - but from what i read quitting smoking can also be the cause.

The other thing for me switching to these has caused my HA/Panic to go well over board.
However i think its from the not smoking part.

Several years ago i quit smoking and had severe anxiety and HA and started again which alleviated my symptoms.

Recently when i quit 49 days ago 2 weeks later i felt like 1 million dollars.

After about one month i lost my mind and my anxiety has started to freak out. I think though its caused from the quitting not the e cig.

Problem is for me with HA i think the ecig could be doing some harm

16-02-13, 11:51
Some great responses and advice here. As far as the HA/anxiety goes, it's the actual smoking that causes it for me, which is why I want to get healthier and try to stop. I'm constantly obsessing over my thoughts and thinking that one more fag will kill me or cause a heart attack. I blame the fags on a lot of my health issues at the moment.
I used to ride my bike every where I went, and now I only need to cycle 10 minutes and I need to get off because I can't breath and my chest hurts...That's just one example.

So it seems they are worth giving a go then, I mean there is nothing to lose really. I was tempted with the patches but they are still a constant cost when following the course. The good thing is that I'm quite excited about trying this, which hopefully will make things easier. I have found the comments and advice very helpful, so thanks very much everyone, I will let you know how I get on.

Kez xx

Daisy Sue
16-02-13, 19:32
Good luck :) feel free to pm me if you'd like any further support or info..

One word of advice - if you're planning on stopping cigs when you go onto e-cigs, get rid of all your tobacco products, lighters, ashtrays etc... it's just too tempting if you know you have a real cig lying about the house somewhere!

17-02-13, 14:35
Can anyone explain to me about E cigarettes please,and where you can buy them other than tescos.
I have been buying herbal cigarettes and did not realise that there was tar in them.
Anyway i bought some filters to fit on the end, and i was very surprised to see
how they filled up with what must have been tar!!
I know smoking is a horrible dirty habit, but I have been so stressed out and panicky
just lately, I reach out for one every time,and sick of sitting out of the way of others. I am trying to keep it together as i speak

17-02-13, 15:00
Try this site Magic


It tells you where a local stockist is as well

17-02-13, 15:04
Magic - just be careful that you don't replace herbal nicotine-free cigs with e-cigs which contain nicotine. You can get all sorts of flavours and some have no nicotine at all, which would be best for you. Check out some of the review forums through google.


17-02-13, 17:07
Thanks very much Pip. Nicola has given me a link to the e cigs. I have saved it on favourites to look at asap

---------- Post added at 17:07 ---------- Previous post was at 17:06 ----------

Thanks Nic x

17-02-13, 22:48
You can buy nicotine free e ciggs so I've heard.
The e cigs haven't been properly tested but they are considered far safer than regular ciggs as they are filled with so many dangerous chemicals.

19-02-13, 14:49
I've just bought a starter pack from Morrisons! Comes with two filters, charger and cig for £22. I have it on charge as we speak

Daisy Sue
19-02-13, 15:24
:) good luck! i hope they give you the confidence to get off the cigs for good :)

19-02-13, 15:42
I will be going to get the starter pack from Morrisons.Thanks for information Shotokansho. Morrisons is the nearest place for me to get to:)

19-02-13, 16:25
Would highly recommend them been 18 months for me now :yesyes:

19-02-13, 16:28
Good one Lisa1975, :yesyes:

19-02-13, 20:08
Hey...You know I was so sceptical about these but they really do work! I haven't had a real smoke since lunch time today, and I'm not even bothered...I just find them weird lol, like there a bit too good to be true.

23-02-13, 21:01
I have bought my E-lights starter pack today from morrisons today
Just wanted to thank you all for information:)

24-02-13, 21:46
Hmmmm, I'm doing okish with mine but I do have a little issue, well two actually. They seem to run out of charge quite quickly, then I'm sat twiddling my thumbs while it charges back up. Also I'm getting more drags where I feel like I'm smoking fresh air rather than a cigarette, more often than not it feels like I'm not getting anything out of it. Anyone else find this with them?

24-02-13, 22:16
Are you sure the cartridge hasn't run out?

Daisy Sue
24-02-13, 22:24
Hmmmm, I'm doing okish with mine but I do have a little issue, well two actually. They seem to run out of charge quite quickly, then I'm sat twiddling my thumbs while it charges back up. Also I'm getting more drags where I feel like I'm smoking fresh air rather than a cigarette, more often than not it feels like I'm not getting anything out of it. Anyone else find this with them?

What make are you using?

I have two chargers and two batteries, so I've always got one charging and one in use all the time. That feeling of fresh air is sometimes due to not inhaling properly, having your finger accidentally over the tiny air holes in the cigarette (they're usually at the cartridge/battery join), or maybe a little blockage either in the cartridge or battery. Maybe try cleaning the two inner bits with a tissue - the bits that screw together.

25-02-13, 09:26
The one I have is an E Lites, it's just a basic two piece one and the charger is by usb not a plug...Maybe I'm not inhaling properly, will give it more time.

Daisy Sue
25-02-13, 12:40
I didn't get on with the E-Lites... I tried a few before settling on the one I've returned to now.. that USB charger you have, you can buy wall socket plug adapters which take the USB charger.. they're cheaper on Ebay than the cig suppliers. :)

25-02-13, 12:46
ive had one of these this since last week ,and id also recommend trying the different flavours i had the normal at first and now i have vanilla and finding it much easier with that flavour they do take some getting used to though good luck i plug mine into my laptop to recharge

26-04-13, 18:56
Yes I use them, medium-level setup.

I smoke 1 cigarette every day or two for the alkaloids in it, that satisfy what nicotine can't. But I'm down from about 25-30 a day and my health is better. And I can see myself quitting so easily now, I've ordered some 'WTA' liquid that will help me stop cigarettes entirely.

26-04-13, 19:21
I quit smoking 8 months ago using E cigs, I have never looked back, they have worked brilliantly for me :)

27-04-13, 00:09
Try smokers angel http://www.thesmokersangel.co.uk/ Sister uses them fully recommendeds they have different strengths with few really yummy flavors haha mmmm cherry !!


27-04-13, 00:43
I suggest trying one of the bigger battery e-cigs. Once you try some of the flavors out there I promise you won't go back to cigarettes. This is my current set-up


27-04-13, 00:44
I suggest trying one of the bigger battery e-cigs. Once you try some of the flavors out there I promise you won't go back to cigarettes. This is my current set-up


Wow now theres a collection ! hahah

27-04-13, 00:50
It looks like a drugs collection!

27-04-13, 01:00
It looks like a drugs collection!

Unfortunately it is :blush: nicotine is the devil

---------- Post added 27-04-13 at 00:00 ---------- Previous post was 26-04-13 at 23:59 ----------

I'm guessing the syringe doesn't make it any more wholesome looking

27-04-13, 14:13
I am a smoker. Bought E-Lite cig. with charger. Found it heavy to hold not as light as normal cig.Use it on occasion. Anyway I went into a newagents in Shropshire and they had throwaway cigs. lasts for 24hours(smoking time) and they felt very light in weight £5.
I may buy one. There seems to be more new things coming out all the time.
I will try flavoured ones I think.
Does anyone know if smoking shows up in a blood test? If it does I am doomed.................Good picture:ohmy:

27-04-13, 20:12
its been 6 weeks for me now, the longest i've ever stopped smoking, and it has been thaks to my ecig tank, and the great flavours i have in oil vapes. would highly recommend them to anyone thinking of stopping

27-04-13, 22:02
I am a smoker. Bought E-Lite cig. with charger. Found it heavy to hold not as light as normal cig.Use it on occasion. Anyway I went into a newagents in Shropshire and they had throwaway cigs. lasts for 24hours(smoking time) and they felt very light in weight £5.
I may buy one. There seems to be more new things coming out all the time.
I will try flavoured ones I think.
Does anyone know if smoking shows up in a blood test? If it does I am doomed.................Good picture:ohmy:

Hi sorry to say but it absolutely does. I read that people have problems with insurance because of nicotine levels in the blood. But 3 days abstaining and you should be clear.

27-04-13, 22:13
Well done pink dove:)
Thanks for information Discontent. Not due for bloodtest just yet, but I will be aware.:noangel: