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15-02-13, 19:19
hiya im having some problems with anxiety i worry constantly and my worries have turned to am i losing my mind i seem to forget things alot and my boss is being really horrible about it he shouted at me that am i losing my mind and now im thinking am i? can this actually happen ?x

15-02-13, 19:54
I once said that to my doctor and he said anxiety is an illness and no I am not going crazy :)

15-02-13, 19:59
No, you are not going mad, it is your anxiety playing tricks on you. I was also reassured by my GP that I wasn't going mad when I thought I was.

I hope you are getting some help and support. Your boss was very cruel to say that to you. Look after yourself :hugs: Kitti.

15-02-13, 20:12
thankyou so much annie and kittikat , i think my mind is constantly on how anxious i feel that i cant focus on work v well at the moment but the pressure seems so high i feel like hes waiting for me to make a mistake all the time i realy dont know what to do xxxthankyou :)

15-02-13, 20:14
I know exactly how you feel, people that dont go through it have no idea how you feel.. my surroundings are the same way.

15-02-13, 20:47
lashes, i can absolutely promise you that you are not going mad. AND you will not go mad. This anxiety malarky, makes us imagine and think alsorts because we cant work out why we feel the way we do.
its mainly a chemical imbalance so needs treatment i found.
i struggled on but was so relieved that medication worked..
i still have the odd oh no its coming back days, but being busy or sleeping it off works for me!
remember you wont go mad!! :bighug1:

15-02-13, 21:33
thanksi always think its just me noone else thinks this lol :) my medication is helping me but when i get new worries it seems to take over and im fixated on something new for a while till i calm down about it seems so difficult sometimes dosent it ! x

15-02-13, 22:38
Lashes you are definitely not going mad and I completely understand. My concentration is shot to bits when I am anxious. The meds are helping me but I can still get blurry when I'm in a state.

A shrink once told me when I tearfully asked if I was going mad that people who really are going mad don't know it - so the very fact that I had asked "Am I going mad?" means that I was not! I've hung onto this thought many times over the years :D

16-02-13, 19:50
Thanks for all your lovely replys feeling better that side of things now ! :) x

16-02-13, 19:51
Thanks for all your lovely replys feeling better that side of things now ! :) x

Pleased you are feeling better about it :hugs:

16-02-13, 20:34
we've all been there and if your boss is gunna be like that i would start looking for other work