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View Full Version : Tingling in one leg..?

16-02-13, 08:42

Has anyone experienced intermittent tingling in one leg, almost like a sweatband around the ankle. Some times it feels like it's in the calf muscle. Osteopath suspected I had a bulging disc in my lower back which was also causing me back pain but this was 7 weeks ago and I thought it would have sorted itself out by now.

Any ideas??


16-02-13, 14:06
I have that as well, along with other symptoms! Sometimes feels like a numbness in my calf but it's not really numb bc I can still feel everything!

16-02-13, 14:55
sounds like a trapped nerve or back problem. Im seeing a chiropractor for lower back pain. After assessing me he said do you ever get tingling or numbness or cramp in your right calf. I said yes why he said I thought so and its do do with a tendon in my left pelvis being weaker than it needs to. he also thinks a lot of my chest pains are referred pain from my back. I never knew it could affect so much but it makes sense as you spine is full of key nerves!

16-02-13, 23:58
Thanks for your replies. My back pain is mostly gone but I have just been woken by pain at the back of my right upper leg and the tingling has suddenly got worse in my right calf too. This has alarmed me because the tingling in right calf has never been enough to stop me sleeping and I can't really understand why it has suddenly got worse. My osteopath says that the whole of my coccyx, sacrum, buttocks areas is very tight, particularly on the left.

Any ideas??

Pretty much had enough of all these symptoms now.

17-02-13, 05:48
I've been given a series of exercises to do but they aren't a quick fix. He thinks its will take about 8-10 weeks. Have our asked yours about any exercises you could do to strengthen he area?

21-02-13, 19:00

So you have tingling in the right calf but problem with the left pelvis? That's really interesting because I still have tingling in my right calf and the other day the osteopath said when I bend down she said the left side is really tight and doesn't really move.

22-02-13, 08:26
Yep it is weird how it all works. All the exercises I do now stimulate the left side and I'm now starting to getting a lot of pins and needles in my left arm and thumb mostly. The chiropractor said this would happen as I'm switching on the nerves in that side of the body.

Because of the weakness on my left pelvis, my right shoulder comes down lower (not noticeable to the untrained eye!) to compensate and this is what's causing the tension in my back as my spine isn't taking a normal curve and this is causing the pain and trapped nerves.

22-02-13, 08:57
Ha I really thought I was going mad, having the problem with my LEFT side pelvis but pain in RIGHT calf! Strange how it all works. I'll definitely ask my osteopath for exercise ideas when I see her on weds.

Thanks for the advice!

26-02-13, 17:55
Me again..

I was starting to feel reassured.. until I heard of MS. Now I am completely convinced I have it. The tingling lasts a week or so and then goes for a week or so in a pattern, which I'm convinced is the relapse or remission or whatever they call in for MS. Recently the leg tingling has become a crawling sensation, and seems to be worse in the evening. I also experienced a numb, cold feeling last night around the top front of the same leg. Don't know if I imagined it but also my left arm has felt a bit strange this week. Like I have very gently hit my funny bone or something.

Really really worried again.

Any ideas?