View Full Version : Hand tingling

06-09-06, 19:49
Hi All (again).

I'm so sorry for posting yet again, but I wanted to run past you this tingling feeling I am getting periodically in my left hand. Its not pins and needles exactly, but kind of feels like a mild version of it. I have had a bad couple of nights sleep and feel pretty tired tonight.

I was wondering if this tingling could be put down to tiredness and the fact that I have been stressing out more than normal over the past few days?????

Sorry to be such a wuss.

I want to go up to my anxiety, smile, put my arm around it and say to it caringly, 'Hey! How are you? How's your day been?'

Then, just as its about to answer me, I wanna throw a sack over it and give it a hiding within an inch of its life.

That would be nice.

06-09-06, 19:57
It's a vicious circle, isn't it? You get symptoms, you worry, you sleep less, you get more symptoms, you worry more ....

I had the tingling/pins and needles you describe for a good week or so, then one day I woke up and it had disappeared. Probably because another symptom had taken it's place!

Sleep deprivation will always make you feel worse - it's amazing how much you can cope with if you've had good, proper sleep and how you just can't cope with the same things when you are tired.

I know it's hard to believe when you are going through a horrible symptom like the tingling, but it really is anxiety related and it will eventually go away. I spent ages trying to analyse how and why it was happening (that didn't help!), but it did go eventually even though it comes and goes occasionally now.

Hope that helps. Try to take some reassurance from the fact that so many people have posted on here about the same thing. Try and have a relaxing evening and I hope you get a good sleep tonight.


06-09-06, 20:02
The tigling could also be because your stressed and are overbreathing. Too much oxygen in the system can cause pins and needles.

Take care!!!

06-09-06, 20:32

Yep, Ive had that in my hands and feet, deffinetly a symtom of anxiety.

Your find it in most anxiety books.
