View Full Version : Sounds like a hernia

Orange Lightning
16-02-13, 11:40
An endoscopy I've had planned has been delayed, and I've been instructed to stop taking a PPI Lansoprazole. All the while I've been feeling worse, and I no longer believe this is anything to do with anxiety as I've been feeling a lot happier lately and been receiving CBT, Hypnotherapy and more besides. I have:

- A tight chest like something is sucking my body inside.
- A tight throat, and a feeling my neck needs to click back in place. It can make it feel difficult to swallow my own spit.
- Wake up with a sore throat daily, but it goes away with any food or drink.
- Excessive mucus; there's an usual taste in my mouth which I assume is from the post nasal drip. Sometimes I need to cough it out but my throat isn't hoarse.
- Occasional ear, arm and chest pain.
- Frequent Migraines which are no longer relieved by my usual medicine.
- Feeling of liquid in the throat and "vurping." Nothing that really burns, it just feels like I'm bringing some liquid up when I belch.
- Weakness and fatigue, especially in the head and legs.
- Palpitations and a feeling of not getting enough air. Tends to happen more at night or when sitting down.

It sounds an awful lot like a hiatal hernia to me, but since I've had it for so long I keep wondering if I'm in for some surgery or a liquid-only diet? Has anyone else here had such a condition, and if so does it ever go away with or without surgery? :(

16-02-13, 15:05
Hi I was convinced I had one and had similar symptoms to you except for migraines and fatigue.

I had the endoscopy a few weeks ago and I was totally clear. Not even any inflammation even though Id had really bad indigestion every day for about 4 months.

Over the past two weeks its just really eased on its own. No medication or diet changes. Weird but Im not arguing!

I have a friend who has a hiatal hernia. He is just on tablets (admittedly for the rest of his life) and he just has to take it easy on spicy food.

I think the op is quite simple though if it does turn out to be one.

16-02-13, 15:05
I read this on the health board last night thought I reconized your name I'm going threw exactly the same symptoms as you and more I got a barium swallow next Monday x

Orange Lightning
16-02-13, 15:24
Hi I was convinced I had one and had similar symptoms to you except for migraines and fatigue.

I had the endoscopy a few weeks ago and I was totally clear. Not even any inflammation even though Id had really bad indigestion every day for about 4 months.

Over the past two weeks its just really eased on its own. No medication or diet changes. Weird but Im not arguing!

I have a friend who has a hiatal hernia. He is just on tablets (admittedly for the rest of his life) and he just has to take it easy on spicy food.

I think the op is quite simple though if it does turn out to be one.

Yikes, can anxiety really go as far as these symptoms?! It'll be nothing short of a miracle if yes; the idea of surgery freaks me out to no end so I'd love it to all just be anxiety. It's the months of waiting and the burning that are unbearable. ;( How long did you have your symptoms at their worst for? Did you take any acid reducers?

One more thing I've tried... Crystals. They work wonders for my migraines but not much else. :p

17-02-13, 06:05
Yep anxiety can cause all this plus lots and lots more!

I had my symptoms for just under 4 months I think. I was put on lansoparole for 5 weeks, nothing, ranitidine for 4 weeks, nothing. That's when my doc said have the scope because I was getting really bad chest pains either like a band across the top of my stomach or a shooting diagonal pain from my breast bone up to my left collar one.

17-02-13, 10:54
Have experienced the same thing. I was diagnoised with Non errosive reflux disease about 5 years ago and was put on Lanzaprozole. At it's worst I would vomit about 4-5 times a day and I had very similar symptoms. Saw a specalist for an endoscopy as I was convinced it was stomach cancer (my grandfather and great grandmother both died from this). It wasn't and after my endoscopy the doc told me although I was suffering from a real condition, it was likley being triggered by stress. Since then i've had CBT etc and although I still get ridicously paranoid surrounding health issues my overall stress is so much less. I know only take Lanzaprozle when it flares up rather than everyday. It's pretty scary what stress can do to you. Hope you feel better soon X