View Full Version : thinking about school.(help)

emma chant
06-09-06, 20:38
Met my new tutor this morning and she is very nice.
Got her on friday morning untill 12pm but i think she is going to
take me into school at 12:30.
Earlier this evening got upset because chest started to get tight
where i'm worrying.
I really want to make it in school friday any advice or reasurance

e chant

06-09-06, 21:09
Honey your going to be fine!! Take deep breaths and lean on your Tutor.

Love Matilda

06-09-06, 21:18
Hi Emma, I went back to work this past week, I teach in a school - i have been fine. As matilda has said lean on your tutor, don't push yourself too hard and don't worry if you don't do everything you want or things don't go as you planned, just hang in there

Take care

'This too will pass'

06-09-06, 22:01
Hi emma

Sounds like you have a good tutor and get on well with her. It really helps to have some support.

I went back to work at school this week as a teaching assistant. Monday was a nightmare, but I was determined to get there. Tuesday was a bit easier. Today was better still. The anxiety is still there, but much weaker and I am able to cope with it better.

I read somewhere here that we should take baby steps. This is a great idea. We need to push ourselves a bit so this monster does not control our lives. But we need to know not to push ourselves too much, as this could reinforce the negative messages.

When my chest gets very tight I try to do some relaxation or breathing exercises. (which you can do without people noticing too much). There are some on the home page of the forum under self help.

First steps for overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=firststeps)

You have the support of us here, and your tutor, so Keep taking those baby steps.


07-09-06, 10:03
Insomniac, I work in a school too. I find it hard to go back after the summer break - not just cos i dont fancy it but because I always allow myself to 'slip' when I can no matter how much I promise i wont this time.

I have been signed off till Tuesday - hoping to go back after that, fingers crossed.