View Full Version : pressure in neck?? freaking out!

16-02-13, 17:20

Has anyone ever had pressure feeling/sensitivity when pressed on one side of your neck (left side for me?) The area starts from underneath the ear lobe and goes downwards, covering the space of an inch or so. It feels the way it felt when I had a swolen lymph node due to an infected earring behind my left ear lobe but perhaps covering a slightly larger area. No obvious swelling this time though. The left lymph node is ever so slightly larger but I'm pretty sure its been that way since it was swolen about a year ago, or maybe it has always been that way.

Anyway, I am freaking out a little that it might be cancer of the lymph node/neck or cancer carried to the lymph node from a tumour somewhere else (I am currently having a bowel cancer HA episode).

Went to my family doctor (who is also my mums best friend) who believes I have a definite case of anxiety but asked me if I want her to run some blood tests just to make my anxiety better. She said she fully believed they would come back normal. She reassured me quite a lot but although I mentioned about the neck/lymph node worry I forgot ask her to check it!! Now im really freaking out because I don't have any infection that I know of that could be causing the pressure feeling around the area of my lymph node. It has been there about 5 days. I cant feel it at night or when i wake up but gets worse as the day goes on, but better after a bath in the evening.

Could the pressure be from anxiety?? I have had a SERIOUS bout of it for the past 8 weeks. Worst one yet. I have also been grinding my teeth at night and clenching my jaw..

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!!

Thanks so much for listening.

16-02-13, 19:26
Don't worry,neck issues are so common with anxiety,i at the moment am suffering with neck tension mainly left sided plus a 100 other symptoms,hope this helps.:hugs:

17-02-13, 18:28
Thanks for your reply puppyskin. The main reason im freaking out is because it feels exactly like it felt when I had a swolen lymph node and the lymph node is a bit larger on the left. Has it for around 6 days. Could it be cancer?? Would give anything for it to go. What does your tension feel like? Mine isn't pain, just sensitive and when I turn my head to the left I feel like I am putting more pressure on the area. Any more help?? Thanks.

17-02-13, 18:47
Could it be TMJ related if you're grinding your teeth at night?

I once had problems with this, a few years ago, but it wasn't concentrated on the teeth/joint area, it was actually in my neck - specifically the big muscle going down the side of my neck. Not painful as such but very tender.

I remember a dentist picking up on it when we discussed me grinding my teeth...he could sense the tension in that part of my neck just from how I was lying in the chair and moving when he examined me.

17-02-13, 22:44
Might be a tight muscle, that can cause a pressure sensation.
Buy a wheat bag, so you can warm it up and wrap around your neck :)
Also massage, maybe buy new/better pillows to better support your neck.

Yeah TMJ I have that, I can get tightness and pressure anywhere from my head down into my shoulder.

18-02-13, 09:21
hi, as previously said neck pressure symptoms are very common with anxiety... I get it a lot.. sometimes one-sided, sometimes all over. I think its caused by 2 things 1) subconscious tension in muscle (similar to globus) 2) increased focus on that part of your body because you are worried about it. hope you feel better soon.


18-02-13, 09:52
Hiya I'm currently having the same issue on the right side of my neck but I have noticed my neck is achy so I don't know if its to do with this I have the same worries as u about it tho it just feels not quite right no really painful but strange I think it's to do with tension though x

18-02-13, 10:08
Hi, I've had this on and off for years, always the left side of my neck - I am 100% sure it's stress and anxiety related. I went to a chiropractor who was really good, and I also find that head/neck/shoulder massages are very helpful

18-02-13, 10:26
Thank you all for your kind responses, and BIG apologies for the constant reassurance seeking..! (I'm awful)

I have made a pact with myself to STOP prodding, poking, comparing, pushing it as this only draws attention to it and probably actually makes the discomfort worse. I will check it every 1-2 days to make sure it hasn't got any bigger and NO MORE THAN THAT.

I am having my blood taken tomorrow so I assume that it would show up on that if is was something serious??

I also am seeing an osteopath this afternoon for a back problem so will mention this neck problem to her.

I need to remember that I am doing everything I can to keep myself safe and in the meantime I just need to CHILL (easier said than done, I know).

Big love to all fellow HA sufferers.

18-02-13, 18:11
I too feel this neck pressure! It's good to hear that it is so common with anxiety! Thank you!

20-02-13, 15:40
Just discovered a grape sized, moveable, sensitive lump towards the front of my neck on the left side. Its below the jaw, directly below the corner of my mouth. Gone into complete panic mode and this new (or maybe its been there a while and I didn't realise??) symptom. Shaking all over and feel so scared it might be cancer. Can't talk, can't eat. Just want to cry but cant because im with my family and its my sisters birthday and I don't want to be a burden. Has anyone else had anything similar?? I don't have an infection or anything.. Physically feel other wise fine other than the discomfort/pressure feeling on the left side of my neck between my ear lobe and this lump. Also my ears feel weird for an hour or so when I get up in the morning. Almost like everything is really loud and a little muffled. But no pain or anything in my ears.

ANY ideas/reassuring words/personal experiences would be greatfully received!

Thanks for listening.

Brazil Bill
20-02-13, 17:06
This is a really helpful post. I have EXACTLY the same symptoms as those originally described and despite my internal rationalizing it has been worrying me for a long time. The pressure starts in/behind the ear, and I sense like a mass (but can't actually feel much despite digging around) at the jaw joint then down my neck and into the collar bone. Even my shoulder hurts sometimes. I do grind my teeth and have been told by the GP that it is a combination of tension/anxiety and TMJ. I didn't realise globus could occur anywhere in the throat area until now. Thank you to all who posted - very reassuring.

05-04-13, 04:54
I Have Been ExperiencingThis For.The Past Week, I Keep Feeling around And Am Ggoing Crzy.Not.knowing.If.its.Truly.Swollen Or Not . Sometimes I Feel Something Other Times I Dont, Earlier Today My Feet Were Burning And Then That Went Away And The Pressure Started Again . Just Need Reassurance

05-04-13, 12:02
I can happily say that my neck pressure has gone! (I started this thread) I was really really worried about what could be causing it and could not believe that it could be from tension, and it lasted for a month or so but now had completely gone. So I guess we just have to accept that sometimes we won't understand the cause of these strange symptoms and that just because they are mysterious does not mean for a moment that there is a sinister cause. I know this is far more easily said than done. I am (hopefully) coming to the end of a four and a half month bout of constant and severe health anxiety and have learnt a lot about the fact that you won't always know what is causing symptoms. Anyway, sorry if this sounds patronising, and I don't want to trivialise your symptoms, I am just so grateful to have gained some wisdom over the last few months about coping with HA. Don't get me wrong, I still have tons of symptoms but am just dealing with them a little better now :) My advice is to go to the doctor just to be on the safe side and then just try to take your mind off and and whenever you think about it, just tell yourself that it isn't down to anything serious and it will eventually go, and then think about something else. Hope his helps.